Chapter 19

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"Sorry for grammatical mistakes"

Jungkook sat in his office, fingers drumming against the surface of the desk as he mulled over his thoughts. The question had been gnawing at him for days now, festering like an itch he couldn't scratch. Taehyung's sudden change in behavior had sparked a curiosity within him, one that refused to be ignored. With a determined resolve, he decided to seek answers from an unlikely source – Hoseok.

Hoseok, immersed in his own work, glanced up as Jungkook approached. "Hey, Jungkook, what's up?" he greeted, noting the serious expression etched on Jungkook's face.

"Hey, Hobi hyung," Jungkook began, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I've been meaning to ask you something about Taehyung."

Hoseok raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Sure, what about him?"

Jungkook hesitated for a moment before plunging ahead. "Do you know who his bodyguard is?"

Hoseok's brow furrowed in confusion. "His bodyguard? Why do you want to know?"

Jungkook shifted uncomfortably, struggling to articulate his thoughts. "I... I just need some insights on his safety and security."

Hoseok studied Jungkook for a moment, sensing the underlying tension in his words. With a nod of understanding, he relented. "Alright, I get it. Let me see if I can find his number for you."

As Hoseok busied himself with his phone, Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him.

After a few moments, Hoseok looked up, a triumphant grin on his face. "Got it! Here's Taehyung's bodyguard's number."

Jungkook took the proffered phone, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thanks, hyung. I really appreciate it."

Hoseok waved him off with a smile. "No problem."


The car slowed to a stop in front of Taehyung's studio, and he glanced out the window, feeling a knot of anxiety twist in his stomach at the sight of the media thronging near the entrance. A heavy sigh escaped him, but before he could dwell on it further, his bodyguard Sam's voice cut through the tension, instructing him to stay put until Sam ensured the coast was clear. Taehyung nodded in understanding, watching as Sam stepped out of the car to fend off the eager reporters.

"Please stay here, Taehyung-shii. I'll make sure it's safe for you to get out," Sam reassured him, his tone firm yet comforting.

"Thanks, Sam," Taehyung replied, offering a small, appreciative smile.

Once Sam had created a path, he opened the door for Taehyung, who stepped out cautiously, his senses on high alert. With Sam shielding him from the intrusive flashes of cameras, Taehyung made his way into the studio, grateful for the protective barrier.

As he entered, his eyes caught sight of someone lingering outside Mr. Hwang's office. Taehyung shrugged it off, intent on heading straight to his personal studio. However, a voice calling out his name halted him in his tracks. Turning around, he was met with the sight of In Yeop, Mr. Hwang's nephew, offering a friendly greeting.

"Hey, Taehyung," Inyeop said with a charming smile.

"Hi, hyung," Taehyung replied, though his tone was cautious.

In yeop leaned against the wall, his posture relaxed yet subtly suggestive. "How's it going?"

Taehyung hesitated for a moment before replying, "Busy as usual. How about you?"

"Oh, you know, just usual photoshoots," Inyeop quipped, a playful glint in his eyes.

Taehyung managed a polite chuckle, though inwardly he felt a sense of unease. He shifted slightly, eager to extricate himself from the conversation.

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