Drawing Your Beauty// Natalie Scatorccio

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 "Van! Van!" I Exclaim, running into Mine and my sister, Van Palmer's trailer. What I didn't notice when I ran into to the trailer was some of the Yellow Jackets team sat on the sofa and the Floor, "Yeah Y/N?" Van replies, looking up from the monopoly board which was neatly laid out on our Coffee table.  "Hi Y/N" I hear someone else say, making me flinch slightly but I recognised the voice. That's when i finally looked at where my sister was sat, My cheeks turn a slight pink out of embarrassment when I saw multiple eyes on me. There sat in a circle was Shauna, Jackie , Taissa, Laura Lee , Misty, Lottie and my crush, Natalie Scarorccio. 

Then I spotted the Alcohol and two cans of soda, most likely Misty's and Laura Lee's, they were celebrating another victory. "So Y/N what happened?" The slight slurred but caring voice of Jackie Questioned, causing everyone else to question what happened to the slightly younger sister of there beloved Team mate. "I won! I fucking won!" I Happily exclaim, pulling out the medal out of my tattered backpack. "Holy Shit Y/N!" Van Shouts, jumping up from her spot on the floor to give me a well deserved hug. 

"I knew you could!" Van says, wrapping her arms around me. I smile, Happy with my mini Victory. "And there u were saying 'Oh no no no i won't win have you seen the other contestants entries'" The sweet moment was quickly cut short when Natalie's raspy voice filled the room. "What did she win?" Natalie questioned, her head rotating as she asked. Cute. 

"Y/N tell then" Van urged, encouraging me to tell them about my latest success. All eyes was on me again and i Hated it. "Uh well I won a arts competition and my drawing is going to be displayed in the school" I Mumble, scratching my head as i explain to the team. god I don't know how Jackie gives a speech to them every match its so embarrassing.

"Well done Y/N!" I Hear Jackie say, standing up to give a high five as the others congratulated me for my success. After a few minutes of celebration they all went back to there game of Monopoly and celebrations, not batting a eye to what i was doing, What i didn't notice was the bleached blonde, her eyes still lingering on me as I walked down the small hallway to my room. 

I sit down into my seat, seeing my latest drawing laid out on a pile of art supplies. Some days i wished i joined the YellowJackets. I See how they always hang out and get invited to parties, there names known by every person in the school. Whilst i never get invited to parties, i'm normally just sat in my room drawing my next piece for hours on end to the point i fall asleep in my chair. 

i could hear the laughter from the living room from my room, they were having fun out there celebrating there victory whilst i was sat in my room alone, celebrating mine with a can of coke and myself. "Well done me" I mumble to myself, raising the can up in the air. "Cheers to you, well done" I hear a voice in my doorway say causing me to spin around in my seat.

There stood Natalie, the glass in her hand raised. "Oh hey Nat" i say, softly smiling at the girl leaning against my doorway. I watch as she walks over and flops down on my bed, not caring that i didn't invite her in. 

"Is this how you normally celebrate?" She questioned, her eyes looking into mine. I nod, spinning back around so I can carry on doing. I hear Nat stand up, and then a few seconds later i feel her bleached blonde hear tickling my neck as looks over my shoulder at the piece in front of me. "Woah" She whispered, the smell of Alcohol on her breath. 

"Here" i say, ripping out the drawing from my sketchbook. "You can have it". I turn around, handing her the piece of paper. I blush as i watch her fold it and put it in her bra. We sit in silence for a few minutes, Nat Humming as i decided what to draw next.

"Can you draw me?" I hear Nat say, her eyes staring at my clueless look. "If you draw me" I respond, handing her a piece of paper and a pencil. We sit in silence for a while, the sound of pencils against paper invaded the room as me and Nat inspected each others features.

"Your beautiful Y/N" I hear Natalie say, smiling at the blush on my cheeks. 

"Says the one who looks beautiful even on paper" I say, causing her to blush, we sit in silence once more, enjoying each others company. Who knew this would be the start of a beautiful relationship , one where could spend evenings drawing her beauty. 


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