Watching you// Adult Misty Quigley

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Water dripped down my back as I dressed into my pjs after a long thoughtful shower. It was nice but freezing. "The people really need to fix the hot fucking water before i catch a cold " I mumble to myself, flinching as I walk on the ice cold tiles of the kitchen.

I stood there thinking about what I should make myself for dinner when my phone starting ringing, my ringtone scaring the living daylights out of me as it filled the once silent room with noise. I look down, seeing 'Misty💖 Calling' Running across my cracked phone screen.

I immediately pressed the answer button. What if she was hurt? needed help? maybe she was upset? All these thoughts ran riot through my head as i answered, fearing the worst. "Hello? Misty are you okay?" I answered, worry consuming my voice.

"Yes Yes I'm okay" She says, the phone going quiet for a few seconds "I'm on my way to you right now" I could her her speeding down the road on the other line. confusion quickly over took my worry like misty was on the road right now. "What" I ask, the confusion clear in my voice " I don't understand. why? Are u sure your okay?"

The Line went silent for a few seconds as Misty focused driving, well more like speeding. "Love, you can't just walk into the kitchen wearing something like that" Misty answers, feeding my confusion more.

What she said made me go silent, i slowly raise my head and looked up at the camera. The red dot clearly there. She was watching me, without me noticing. "Misty I'm wearing a shark Pjs what are you on about" I counter back, looking straight into the camera.

"Yeah without me" She says, the sadness clear in her voice.


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