invisible wounds// Shauna Shipman

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"Y/N?" I Hear the voice of Shauna Shipman say, as I sobbed on the cold changing room floors. My hair was a mess and it wasn't even a school day and yet me and the others had practice. "What's up sweetheart?" Shauna Asked, slightly flinching as her bare knees hit the ice cold floor. "I got into a argument with my parents" I sobbed into my hands, Shauna wrapped her hands around my wrists, pulling my hands away from my tear stained face.

"Now tell me darling" She whispered, her hands wiping away my salty tears. I look up into her big brown eyes, a sense of comfort washing over me as i stared. "My parents said that i was a waste of space and that i should get the fuck out before they drag me out" I cried, more salty tears running down my face, The look my parents gave me in that moment was like i was a bottle of poision.

Betrayal is like razors slashing at your heart. The wounds are so deep and you have to allow yourself to feel the pain and this pain i was feeling was truly painful.

Shauna's heart shattered into tiny pieces like glass when she heard how cruel my parents were being, Silent rage filling her like a red mess had taken over. But yet her expression remained calm, not showing the emotions mixing inside of her. "Oh sweetheart" Shauna says, her eyes showing one expression. Heartbreak.

Heartbreak is like a piece of evidence that you loved in good faith that you make the kind of bond that hurts so very much to break.

Shauna quickly pulls me into her arms, my cold body clashing with her warm one as i sob into her shoulder. we sit there for a moment, Shauna whispering reassurance into my ear as i cry. "its okay darling its okay" She whispers, trying to silence my heart breaking sobs. "You can stay at mine for a while, its fine my parents love you"

We carry on sitting in on the cold floor, my sobs filling the silent room like water in a bath tub. "Can i kiss you?" Shauna asks, putting her finger under my chin to make me look up. I nod, my eyes red raw as i stare into her loving ones.

Our lips met together into a comforting kiss, my sobs immediately stopping as she kissed my Invisible Wounds better.


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