Comfort-Natalie Scatorccio

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Natalie has had a rough time with the girls. Not being able to bring back food really brings  morale and belief of survival down and they get angry with her. Natalie's attitude and aggressiveness don't really help her out much in trying to raise the girls spirits.

Natalie is staring up at the ceiling in the middle of the night. The dim lights and pitch black outside the window a clear sign Natalie should be asleep but she just cant.  She's recently been plagued with nightmares, the ones which steal your breathe, the ones that leave you waiting in silent anticipation for whatever fucked up horror movie your brain created for you.  She looks over at me, noticing I'm awake too. "Can't sleep?" She asks me in her usual gravelly voice.

I nod, looking over at the bleach blonde, our eyes locking as we sit in silence, of us trying to figure out what to say to each other. "Yeah, neither can I." Natalie sits up from her 'bed' on the floor. a small sigh escaping her pink lips. "God, what would I do for some food right about now. Don't tell the rest of the girls I'm saying this, but I'm starving, upset, and tired." Natalie runs her hands through her hair. I've noticed she does that a lot, especially when she's stressed or being shouted at. "These hunger pains are driving me insane." Natalie says as she rests her head back down and looks up at the ceiling again; still trying to grasp sleep's hand, still failing.

Silence fills the room once more, only broken by the light breathes from the other girls. i speak up, asking the one question everyone in the cabin has been dreading to hear  "Do you reckon we are stuck out here forever?" I sit up, looking at her once more, her pale skin making her look dead, the eye bags forming under her eyes also adding to the 'dead' look "like will we die out here or go mad"

Natalie lays there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling. "There's no way we'll die out here." She says with an authoritative tone, "The food thing is a problem. I know most of the girls have been getting impatient, but it's not my fault." Natalie says with more annoyance than usual.
For a moment Natalie was silent, wondering if she'd rather go mad or die out here. She was stuck in thought for a moment, before speaking once more "I think I'd go mad"

"I think I'd keep my sanity in tact" I say, making her laugh quietly in disbelief of my claim. "No way in hell would you keep your sanity. I see you with the others. You're barely holding on now." Natalie says as she runs her hand through her hair again , looking over at you. I was starting to see a more vulnerable side of Natalie now. Her defenses were starting to crack under the pressure of  our situation.

"Oh well I'd rather be insane then speak to Travis" I laugh, a look of disgust on my face as i say Travis's name. "Yeah, I agree there." Natalie let out a laugh as she sat up against the wall. "He's annoying the hell out of me." Natalie's mind started to wander to her own problems, mainly the food thing, but also something else.

"I've been having weird nightmares." Natalie says, looking down at her hands. "I haven't been able to sleep either. I swear I'm going insane." She says in a quiet and sad sounding voice.

"Your not going insane Natalie, don't stress about it" I say in a comforting voice "Come here Nat" I open my arms to Natalie, hoping she would accept the offer of the hug. 

Natalie stares down at her own hands in her lap, before glancing up at me, her face looked sad and troubled. Her mind was racing all over the place, but she was grateful i were there for her. But she didn't really know what to do with my offer of a hug; she hadn't been hugged in a very long time. Natalie looks up at you again, and slowly rises to her feet, and she walks over. She wraps her arms around me, letting me hold her closely. "I hope your right.." She whispers to me.

"I am right" I say, slowly rocking her back and forwards slowly

Natalie lets me  rock her back and forth. She felt safe around me suddenly. Her worries washed away, the stress and pressure of their situation. Natalie was finally able to relax and feel safe. She enjoyed my touch as I rocked her back and forth. She put her head on my chest and just relaxed, closing her eyes for a moment . Natalie's troubled expression begins to fade away and turn neutral. she seems grateful that I'm comforting her. The other members of the soccer team had been rather nasty with her, and it was a breath of fresh air to be treated nicely for once. Natalie hugs me back, not wanting to let go.

"Thanks," Natalie says in a very soft tone.

Natalie smiles as she listens to the beats of my heart. It's a comforting sound. She feels her own heart beating slower as she relaxes with me. Natalie feels herself starting to fall asleep. She starts to lean on me, her head just barely touching my chest as she starts to doze off.

I wrap my arms around the cold hearted girl, trying to give her a sense of comfort she desperately needed "Goodnight Natalie"

Natalie smiles, and wraps herself around me tightly, hugging me in her sleep, as she begins to let go of her worries and stress. "Good night." Natalie whispers as her head tilts down and she lets out a small sigh, falling asleep in my arms. Natalie falls asleep, using my chest as a pillow. She lets out a sound and starts to snore, her eyes closed tightly. She seems incredibly peaceful, and no longer troubled by the worries that filled her mind prior to this experience.

anddd thats the end!! thank you for reading! and also its been a month since i last updated, how has every1 been? Tell me if you have any requests!

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