Bus rides // Jackie Taylor

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I didn't speak much with the Yellow Jackets. Yes I was apart of their team but I didn't  speak to them much, only when I needed to. We were on a trip to this sports thing for practice, I was sat in the window seat of the bus alone, I didn't care that no sat next to me. I was happy sitting by myself, it gave me more time to focus on my thoughts. My Thoughts were cut short when Jackie, The team captain who everyone liked, sat next to me.

I sighed, going to plug in my headphones so i didn't have to hear her try to make conversation for the 6 hour bus ride. "Got a problem" Jackie asks, sweetly smiling at me as she got comfortable in her seat. I ignored her , shoving my headphones into my ears. "Rude" I hear her say over my music. I was not going to deal with this for 6 hours. 

After a hour or so, i was starting to get tired, my music slowly drifting me of to sleep. I was about to fall asleep when i felt something heavy on my shoulder. I turn my head to see what or who was on my shoulder. Jackie had fallen asleep. I silently panic for a second, debating if I should wake her up or leave her. I slightly nudge my shoulder, not wanting to wake up the sleeping girl violently. 

I manage to wake her up but my efforts were lost when all she did was look at me confused and rest her head back onto my shoulder. i was way to tired to deal with this so i made the quick decision to rest my head on top of her soft brown hair. I Fall asleep. not feeling Jackie wake up, Not hearing the other Yellow Jackets teasing us for acting like a couple, not feeling it when she left to get snacks from the gas station with the others. 

I woke up an hour later, my head was resting on Jackie's shoulder, causing me to lift my head up to move, but i was unsuccessful when Jackie gently pushed my head back down onto her shoulder. Jackie gently put her clothed arm around me , pulling me close as she played with my hair while we both fell back asleep.

Maybe this bus ride wont be bad after all.

ANNDDD THATS THE END! Thank you for reading! Tell me if you have any requests!

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