Chapter Twenty Two.

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I can't describe what I'm feeling...

And all I know, is we're going home...
So please, don't let me go...Don't let me go...
And if it's right...I don't care, how long it takes...
As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face...



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THE waves rocked me as I leaned my arms back and placed them on my board, leaning back letting the sun soothe my body as slight wind blew by.

"What are you doing?" Kie's voice broke my attention.

I opened my eyes as I looked at her, she was on her surfboard beside me on the water. Wet hair sticking to her face. "Letting the sun kiss my skin," I answered. "Basking in it," I shrugged.

"That's cool, I guess...I just thought you'd be chasing every possible wave coming our way," Kie replied back.

"Yeah, I did too...But I--" My voice breaks as I look over at the horizon, watching the waves rolling in, the sun about to set.

"Are you okay?" Kie asked, frowning as she comes closer to me. "What's going on, Ro?"

"Just...Nothing...nothing," I laughed nervously, shrugging it off. "I'm just tired," I sighed heavily. "And I do want to catch more waves than I did today...I just--I just need a moment to myself" I explained when I noticed she was listening to me intently and understandably.

"We can relax," Kie nods, smiling at me.

"Hey! Save some waves for us!" We heard a very familiar voice shout to us. Kie and I look over our shoulders to see JJ and Pope running into the water with their surfboards under their arms. "Wait up, Kie, Princess!"

"Whoop!" Kie hollered to them, excitedly as they paddled out to us. "C'mon!" She laughed.

"Let's catch some badass waves!" JJ laughs along with Kie as Pope come on my other side. Both of the boys looking equally excited.

And that's what we all do. JJ, Pope and Kie catch most of the waves, riding into the white waters while I cheer them, still sitting on my board, the smaller waves rocking me. I catch a few of my own waves, sharing a couple with the pretty blonde boy we all love.

But then again, my body gave up. The words kept ringing in my ears, playing on repeat like a broken record.

Everything kept exploding in my face. I can't live back at Tannyhill with Rafe and Sarah. Both of whom think I'm crazy and broken and weak. Too broken that no one wants to look after her.

Mike Carrera's words also play in the background and even though he suggested that out of the good of his heart, because he cared about still sting.

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now