2. Stranger

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It had been a week since I had last hunted. As a result, I was thirsty. So maybe an evening walk hadn't been the best idea.

My phone rang and I paused to take the call.

"Alice? What's wrong?"

"Get home NOW! My Alice sounded so horrified that my curiosity got the better of me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter! Just get home!" Alice snapped.

"Not until you explain." I started to walk again as I talked.

"Stop walking! Go back!" Alice implored me.

"I love you." I hung up and put my cell back in my pants pocket. Almost immediately it pinged again. I ignored it.

This was my future. The future is not set in stone. But whenever Alice told me my future, I went along with it. Because for me, the future shouldn't really be told. Alice's gift was helpful though. It was needed so we could prepare for the unknown.

But right now, I needed to know the unknown and make it known.

I continued to walk along the path. Then I saw her.

She was young. Maybe fourteen. Younger than Ness. She was familiar too. Her face. I must have seen her before in a past life. From my human life.

Then I acknowledged the skin. Pale like mine but with a flush of blood in her cheeks.

She didn't seem to notice me with those emerald eyes. I intentionally decided to bump into her.

We collided and that's when I caught her scent. A scent of vampire but I was too thirsty to notice that. The scent of delicious human killed me. It was a scent that made me want to drain her right there.

I caught her by the wrist and pulled her close.

"Come with me." I told her. She looked at me, her eyes wide. My thirst was ripping through me. I needed her!

I dragged her away from the bustling street of people, down an alleyway. We wouldn't be seen.

Until a prostitute and her pimp started kissing in the alley.

I pulled the girl into a room. The door was shattered wood and easy to go through. After all I didn't want to be seen. Biting a human was completely secret for us vampires. We had to remain hidden.

Inside, the room was big. A sort of concrete slab was in the middle of the room for a table. The room was dim. The only light came from the door.

The girl twisted her hand away and walked backwards, away from me. Her terror was in her eyes and reflecting off her body. I crouched then pounced. We both fell backwards onto the concrete slab. The girl's head whacked against it, full pelt. I wasn't sure whether or not she was knocked out but I didn't care. Her throat was exposed now.

I bit into her. Her flesh was boiling, the same temperature as Renesmee's. Fear settled in the pit of my stomach as I drank. Her blood had the taste of venom but was also very sweet.


I pulled away and looked at her. Her eyes were closed. She HAD been knocked out. And blood was pouring out from the puncture wound in her neck and from another wound in her head.

"Oh God..." I bit my lip.

I knew her! She couldn't die! Not yet! I had so many questions!

I bit into her flesh again, licking over each wound I created. I bit into her throat, into her ankles. As I bit into her wrist, she started to move about. She didn't scream. She just moved her body around as the venom flowed into her veins.

I stroked her face lightly. Her blood was staining my fingers. It stained her cheeks too.

"I'll be back." I whispered. I fled the room.

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