21. Talent-Napper

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Benjamin looked at me. I smiled slightly at him.

"You ready for this?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied.

"Hush... It's close." Alice whispered.

"Good luck, everyone." Carlisle murmured.

"I don't know if we'll be able to say goodbye..." Aunt Bella touched her husband's back as she spoke.

Suddenly everyone was saying goodbye to each other. Jasper pulled me, Tomy and Alice towards him and we all hugged.

We finally had to let go. I grabbed Daniel and kissed him. He kissed me back.

"Positions." Uncle Edward quietly said.

We all fell back into our positions. I was at the back with Benjamin and Zafrina. At the back to watch as everyone fought. I had a perfect view of the fight. I had a great view of the Volturi's advance. They had some grace but it wasn't about the show today.

I could see Aro. His greedy eyes stared at me then to Alice then to Bella. Flickering between us all.

"Carlisle... Why?" Aro asked.

"That's a question that only you can answer Aro." Carlisle replied coldly.

"Why do you plan on killing me and my loved ones?" 

"You tell me."

Aro was silent as he struggled to think of a comeback to that comment. He finally settled for a weak smile.

"Why do you attempt to tear my family?" Carlisle asked. Aro paced back and forth, along his front line of Volturi guards.

"I've tried to be nice and you have pushed yourself to the maximum. I've had enough of Mr Nice Guy."

"Don't hold back." Uncle Edward taunted.

"You waste our time and I want somethings you have. This world will be better off without you." Aro told us.

"To tear apart our family, you would have to kill us all." Carlisle growled.

"To gain, you must get through us all!" Eleazar agreed.

"We're too closely bonded. You will not gain." Tanya said.

"We shall soon find out..." Aro muttered.

"Shannon." Caius barked. I looked towards the blonde vampire male and raised an eyebrow.

"You belong to the Volturi by law." Aro continued.

"Oh really?" Jasper growled.

"Yes." Aro stepped forward, holding out a sheet of parchment. Carlisle walked forward, shadowed by Uncle Emmett and Jasper. He took the parchment and read it.

"That's ridiculous." He said, calmly.

"No. It's not."

"Well that means that Tomy and Lavender stay with us."

"Indeed it does." Aro agreed.

"She's my DAUGHTER." Jasper hissed. Aro's eyes turned to him.

"Yes. And that would not change." Aro moved his hand to place it on Jasper's shoulder.

"You plan to tear my family." Jasper's voice was choked up.

"For the interest in everyone." I heard Maggie hiss quietly at the lie.

There was silence.

Then suddenly Alice shrieked in horror.

Within a second, Emmett had been pinned to the ground by three Volturi guards, Carlisle was on his knees with his face forced upwards to the sky and Jasper was being held by his throat by Felix.

Alice, Rose and I ran towards them. All I saw was red.

Uncle Edward grabbed Alice and Garrett caught Aunt Rose.

Benjamin made a grab for me but missed. Eleazar caught me around my waist but I touched his arm with the sun in my palm. He gasped and let go. Kate tried to grab me but I managed to dance away.

I ran to Aro. He walked out to meet me and grabbed me by the throat. He had me so my feet were off the ground.

I touched my hand to his wrist and he let go. I fell on the floor but was pinned down before I could get to my feet.

"Get her to her feet." Caius barked. My capturers pulled me up. I immediately recognized Alec holding me. His hand closed around my throat. He was holding so tightly, I could barely breathe.

Aro advanced on me. He clutched his hurt wrist. I felt terrified when I saw Aro. Not because of him. Because of the way he looked at me. Not like the burn had hurt him but like it had given him a thrill... A rush of pleasure.

He touched my face. He then took my hand.

Nobody moved on our side. With four people down, they weren't going to risk it.

Tomy and Daniel were leaning forward anxiously. I caught Danny's eye. He mouthed 'Die with you.' I felt tears spring to my eyes but I blinked them back. Aro let go of my hand and nodded.

"Okay young one."

He walked over to Emmett.

"Release him." The cloaked guards released Emmett. He gasped and stood up immediately. Aro moved to Jasper.

"And him." Felix released him and Jasper walked over to Emmett.

"No!" Uncle Edward gasped.

"Shannon has chosen to release her uncle and adoptive father. She will stay with us and so will Carlisle." Aro announced.

"Get. Going." Carlisle gasped, ignoring the protests from our allies and family. Uncle Emmett and Jasper ran back to our side.

"Carlisle... I'm sorry..." I murmured.

"You chose... Right..." He whispered back.

I was pushed to my knees beside him. Alec pushed my face up so I could no longer see my family and friends.

"No!" Esme's voice was a strangled cry.

Suddenly the Volturi ran past us. Not all of them. The Elders and a couple of guards stayed where they were. I was still pinned down and so was Carlisle. All I knew though was that the fight had started and we were in danger.

I tried to find his body. I touched a cotton shirt. I knew it was him. I tried to find his hand. I traced my fingers down the length of his arm and then to his hand. We entwined our fingers, our grip unbreakable.

Suddenly I felt a trembling underneath me. Benjamin was causing an earthquake right where we were. Our guards let go of us as they tried to regain their balance. Carlisle couldn't get up. But I could.

Benjamin and I had practiced this in case of a multiple attacking.

I looked at Carlisle then wrapped my arms around him and pounced upwards. Carlisle seemed too stunned to move or even speak.

We fell on the floor, about five paces away from the Volturi. We fell in a heap, a pile of tangled legs. Carlisle looked at me, his eyes filled with awe.

"Your mother would be proud." He murmured as he touched my jaw lightly with a finger.

I smiled and we both got up. Carlisle then ran off to fight.

I stayed where I was, looking for Benjamin. He came towards me and we joined the fight.

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