22. The Fight For Our Life

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Benjamin was back to back with me. It wasn't long before Volturi guards started to advance. About ten of them.

"Ready?" Benjamin murmured.

"Born ready."

We locked our hands. I closed my eyes and focused. When I opened my eyes again, I felt the burning in my palm. We waited until the nearest Volturi guards were a few paces away. We then raised our hands and created an explosion of fire. Everyone in the first line was incinerated.

The guards hesitated now. They were too scared to come close. Terrified for their lives.

"Shannon...?" Benjamin's voice was just a whisper.


"Go left. Help anyone that needs it. Don't go near Aro." I nodded and ran off.

I fought two guards at once. They had seen I had separated myself from Benjamin and had taken the advantage to attack.

I managed to defeat them and I scanned the field to find someone who needed my help.

Tomy was fighting five guards at once but Claudia was helping him. Daniel was fighting alongside Tia. The pair attacked the guards like they were dancing. Jasper was protecting Alice. She stood still as a statue not moving.

Someone grabbed me, clamping a hand over my mouth. I couldn't breathe. Suddenly it went black. 

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