1. Normal... For Vampires

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It had been seven years since our confrontation with the Volturi. Victorious, we had moved on with our lives.

Renesmee Carlie Cullen (my niece) was now a beautiful, young woman of sixteen. She was dating the shape-shifter, Jacob Black. It wasn't that bad but... the smell was annoying to be around. But we got used to that after a while.

Bella Cullen (my sister in-law) was revolted at the idea of Jacob and Nessie getting married. Jacob had promised he wasn't playing anything yet. Yet.

"He IS. I can see it." Alice Cullen, my small, beauty of a wife clapped her hands.

Alice could see the future but she had (at first) had massive problems trying to see into the future of half human, half vampire hybrid Renesmee and into the future of wolf, Jacob. However Alice had been practising and finally, after several years, she could see Nessie as clear as day. Jacob was still blurry but Alice kept trying. When the two were together, Alice would pull out of her visions. She complained about headache.

"I knew it." Edward Cullen, my brother, sounded pissed and amused at the same time. Which was kinda funny.

"Oh! Nessie! Let me plan it!" Alice squealed. Poor Nessie nearly jumped through the ceiling. We all could hear her accelerated heart beating.

"Aunt Alice! You scared me!" She gasped, clutching her chest.

I wrapped my arm around Alice's waist, nuzzling my nose into her now shoulder-length hair. I closed my eyes and sent waves of calm over her. She relaxed against me as the calm took its effect.

"I'm going to KILL you, Jasper Hale..." She murmured. She said it so calmly that it was kinda funny.

"Not when you're this calm!" I joked, kissing her neck.

"You can't keep me this calm forever."

"True." I let go of the calm and waited as Alice's feelings registered with her body.

And stopped as those feelings registered in my own body.

"Oh! Ew! Get a room..." Edward muttered. I was too used to Edward by now so the embarrassment only came from Bella and Nessie.

"Ok." I tipped Alice off my lap, stood up then scooped her up in my arms. She squealed and flung her arms around my neck. I kissed her as I ran up the stairs. I didn't even need to watch where I was going. I had made the trip to our bedroom enough times.

I opened the door, walked in then kicked the door shut behind us.

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