30. Night Watch

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That morning, I was very crabby. I was pissed at Edward and at Jasper. And I was exhausted. I nearly fell asleep in Calculus.

At lunch, I was considering whether or not to skip. However, I walked out of my history class and straight into Uncle Emmett.

"Okay kid. Let's go." He smiled at me and Tomy.

"Actually I was planning on skipping." I said.


"Not hungry."

"Me neither." Emmett winked.

"Well go spend some quality time with Aunt Rose." I walked away. Or... I was about to when Uncle Edward appeared literally out of nowhere.

"Cafeteria. Now." I glared at him.


"Your father said. So go."

"Make me." I hissed.

The sudden unexpected shock of pain made me gasp. I looked down to see the needle in my arm.

I collapsed into Jasper's arms. Funny... I couldn't remember him being there...

Damned escapes...

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