46. Uncle Emmett

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My bedroom door opened and Uncle Emmett walked in.

"Walk with me?" I shook my head and continued to read my book.

He took the book out of my hands, closing it and placing it on my desk.

I looked up at him and he smiled.

"Let's go." I sighed and got off my bed. Uncle Emmett held out a pair of my shoes. I took the white leather pumps and put them on.

We walked downstairs together. Uncle Emmett opened the front door and we both walked out.

He then took the lead and I followed him to the nearby stream.

Uncle Emmett sat down on the side of the stream. I sat next to him, cross-legged.

"When was the last time you hunted?" He asked, softly. I dipped my fingers into the rushing water.

"Don't know."

"Last time you slept?"

"No idea."

We sat in silence for a bit. The sun was setting now. It cast a pretty design on the stream, turning the water orange and pink colour. It was beautiful.

"This isn't you, Shannon." He murmured.

"What isn't?"

"Being a GIRL. That's not you."

"I'm confused." Uncle Emmett took my face in his hand. His grip was slightly tight, so I couldn't twist my face away.

"You're tough. All this girlie moping about is not your thing. So stop faking." I stared at my uncle, pissed.

"You think I'm FAKING this?"

"I don't think. I know." I pulled my face away and stood up, pissed.

"I'm not faking! Ask Dad!" Uncle Emmett stodd up too. His mouth twitched as if he was trying not to smirk. I saw red.

"Oh Jasper knows you're faking. He's playing along." I growled. Anger was boiling inside of me. I wanted to kill him right there.

I dived to the left and tackled my uncle to the floor. We crashed into a tree. The tree snapped in half under the impact.

I swung my foot around and kicked his skull. I then punched his jaw.

Uncle Emmett grabbed me and rolled us over so he was now on top of me. He had both my fists in his hands. He then pulled our hands up so they were above my head.

Uncle Emmett was breathing rather heavily and smirking.

"THERE she is!" He said. I snarled at him but the anger was gone.

I felt so much better after that punch-up. I smiled up at my uncle knowing that this was my way out of this endless depression.

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