14. Bonds

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Shannon had taken the place from my niece to my daughter. And Tomy was like the son I had always dreamed of. It felt right somehow. Like I had got my wish granted once I had already given up hope.

Shannon was very young and vulnerable to the outside world. This made Rose and Esme happy because she needed a mother's love. Edward told me that Alice was seen as only an aunt though Shannon's eyes. Alice was fine by that. She WAS Shannon's aunt after all.

Shannon adored Carlisle and Edward. Edward said it was because they knew so much. She would listen to stories about certain patients from Carlisle. Edward would help her to read and write for improvements. He was a good teacher to her, patient and encouraging.

Renesmee and Shannon had developed a very tight bond. They were true cousins to each other and often had girly chats while sipping cups of hot chocolate.

Tomy had grown to like Jacob, shockingly enough. If he wasn't with me or Alice playing games, he was with Jacob. He could see past the smell of wolf and had general chats with him.

Emmett was a great uncle to both Tomy and Shannon. He play-fought with Tomy. Tomy had the same sort of problem I did. Because he had been raised in a fighting environment, we got 'testosterone build-up' more than the others. I could get my own release through making love to Alice. Tomy didn't have that little luxury so Emmett gladly accepted his wrestling matches.

However with Shannon, he was as gentle as anything. They went out on short evening walks together. No one but Alice knew where they went. I supposed Edward knew too but he never told us either. We had accepted Shannon and Tomy into our family. Into our lives. And they fit well there. They made our bonds as a coven stronger.

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