53. Denali

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Uncle Emmett watched as I took down Tomy. It was close. At long last, I managed to throw him to the ground.

"Good girl!" Carlisle whooped. Tomy growled and stood up. 

"You're ready." Uncle Emmett told me.

"What about me?" Tomy asked, annoyed at losing to a girl.

"You're BOTH ready. You will defend each other. I have complete faith in you." Uncle Emmett corrected himself.

Before anyone else could reply, a black car pulled over to the house. Tomy and I growled quietly, immediately on guard.

"At ease," Jasper told us both. "They're friends."

The car stopped in front of us and the engine cut off. Then the car doors opened and people started to get out.

A blonde curly haired female vampire was the one driving. Her hair had a strawberry tint to it. The woman that got out from the passenger seat could have been her sister. She had straight waist length blonde hair but no strawberry tint. A man came out of the back. He looked adventurous. Brown, slightly curly hair to his shoulders and orange coloured eyes. The colour of eyes a vampire would have if they were trying to stick to a 'vegetarian' diet after having a 'normal vampire' diet. They had a mischievous glint in them. Another man followed him out of the car. He had black hair and a wise look about him. Finally a brown curly haired woman. All their eyes (apart from the brown haired male) were golden butterscotch.

Uncle Edward walked out of the house, followed by Jacob.

"Carlisle. It's been so long." The strawberry haired woman embraced him.

"Seven years, Tanya." Carlisle told her. The female... Tanya smiled.

"And in that amount of time, Stefan and Vladimir were right." I frowned at the unknown names that Tanya spoke.

"I'm afraid so but for a reason different than the pair predicted." As he spoke, he gestured to me. Tanya's eyes flickered over to where I was stood inbetween Jasper and Tomy.

"I don't understand." Tanya frowned.

"I do." The black haired man sighed, his eyes fixed on me.

"Please share." Tanya turned on him.

"The girl has a talent quite similar to our dear friend Benjamin. And yet, very different." He told Tanya.

"What is it?" The brown haired woman asked, softly.

"She controls the weather." He replied.

"Awesome..." The other unknown male smiled at me in response.

"So your problem is Aro being greedy?" The black haired man asked.

"In one sense yes. But it gets more complicated. I have no doubt you have heard her slow beating heart?" Uncle Edward asked. I blushed, avoiding their eyes.

"Hybrid?" The black haired man gasped.

"Quarter human actually." Uncle Edward corrected.

"How?" A new voice asked. Probably the other blonde.

"My niece. Though I have adopted her as my daughter." Jasper said. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see him smiling down at me.

"And her twin brother was bitten at sixteen. He is full vampire." Alice added.

"What is your name, child?" I looked up to see the black haired man smile kindly at me. He was only standing two paces away.

"Shannon Whitlock." I murmured.

"And yours?" The man turned to Tomy.

"Tomy Whitlock." He replied.

"Well I'm Eleazar. My wife Carmen," He gestured to the brunette woman. "Sisters Tanya and Kate and Kate's mate Garrett." Eleazar smiled and I smiled back, hesitantly.

"Well aren't you going to invite us in, Edward?" Tanya asked. Uncle Edward nodded and stepped aside to allow her to go into the house. Carmen followed. However Eleazar, Kate and Garrett didn't move.

"May I see your talent?" Eleazar asked me, curiosity in his eyes.

I smiled and looked at Tomy. He nodded in encouragement.

"Got your back, sis." He told me. I nodded and focused on the wettest things of life. Puddles, running taps, water, rain.

My fingers moved in a sweeping downward motion. Rain trickled from the sky. It was just a splattering of drops but it was rain all the same.

"Amazing..." Eleazar murmured. He held out his hand to feel the drops.

"It's real?" Garrett asked.

"Very real," Eleazar looked back at me and smiled. "This child has an amazing talent."

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