5. Meeting the Cullens

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Carlisle had taken his Mercedes so we all got in and he drove off. I sat in the back with Shannon. I wanted to know every detail of Maria's death. Shannon told me she couldn't tell me. At least, not yet.

We got home and that was when Shannon started to get nervous. She didn't say nothing but she didn't have to.

"It's okay. I promise." I told her. I sent a wave of calm over her, keeping it there. She relaxed and allowed me to pull her out of the car and up the stairs into the house.

Everyone but Alice was in the living room. Esme was pacing the room, anxiety radiating out from her body. Rosalie and Edward were listening to music, calm. Jacob and Nessie were asleep on one of the couches. Bella was reading a book in a corner of the room and Emmett was waiting by the door.

"Jasper." Alice ran into the room from the kitchen and threw her arms around my neck. I hugged her tightly. As I did, I breathed in her orange-chocolate scent. We hated being apart.

"Who is this?" Esme asked as Alice pulled away slightly.

"Shannon Whitlock. My niece." There was silence for a moment.

"Shannon will be joining our family." Carlisle told everyone.

"And her brother as well." Alice added.

"How do you know that?" Shannon asked.

"Long story." Alice grinned at her.

"Anyway. You've met Carlisle so this is Alice. Your aunt and my wife." I told Shannon. I took Alice's hand as I spoke.

"And this is my wife, Esme." Carlisle said, going to her side.

"She's our adoptive mother and my daughter's grandmother." Edward said, turning off his music.

"That's Edward, my adoptive brother. He's married to Bella and that's their daughter, Renesmee." I explained, pointing them out.

"And that's Jacob. Her boyfriend." Alice said, nodding to the shape-shifter.

"I'm Rosalie, Jasper's adoptive sister. That's my husband, Emmett." Rose smiled at Shannon, which took me by surprise but her emotions were genuinely kind.

"It's lovely to meet you all." Shannon said. Before anyone could reply, the door burst open and a blonde haired boy walked in.

It was clear he was a full vampire, unlike Shannon. His ruby red eyes told us that much.

He grabbed Shannon by her wrist, yanking her away from us.

"Shannon. Who are these people?" He hissed.

"Tomy, they found us. Jasper. Our uncle." Tomy looked at me, surprised.

"You're him? Jasper?" Tomy demanded.

"Yes." There was silence again. Silence as Shannon and Tomy took in their surroundings. I kept focus on their emotions. Shannon felt anxious and yet excited. Tomy felt happy and relieved. There was also a hint of protectiveness and that was directed towards Shannon. They had a true bond of protectiveness.

"Do you want to get changed?" Alice asked. The pair nodded and followed my girl upstairs.

"How did you find them?" Bella asked me.

"I ignored Alice..." I confessed. I explained Shannon and Tomy's story right up to this moment.

However before anyone could reply, Edward gasped Alice's name. A second later, I heard something I dreaded. Alice's cry of pain.

"Alice!" I ran up the stairs to where the cry came from. Our bedroom.

I opened the door but I couldn't walk in. Something was stopping me. Like an invisible barrier.

I could see Alice sitting on our bed, her eyes closed. Standing in front of her was Tomy.

"What did you do?" I snarled at him.

"It was an accident." Tomy replied, calmly.

"Oh my God..." Edward was beside me, looking pained.

"What?!" I snapped. Edward pointed to the object at Tomy's feet.

A hand.

Alice's hand.

Nausea nearly made me gag.

"It's okay. I can fix it." Tomy told me. He picked up the hand and took Alice's arm in his other hand. He joined the two together like a jigsaw. The pieces joined together and sealed close. Tomy placed his hand over the ugly scar on my wife's wrist.

"It may burn a little." He told her. A beam of orange light went out of his palm and bounced onto Alice's wrist. He took his hand away to reveal the scar had now gone.

"Healing properties." Tomy grinned at us.

"Where's Shannon?" I asked.

"Probably trying to drown herself... Can I take off the barrier or are you going to kill us?"

"We swear." Edward promised. Tomy nodded and moved his hand in a circular gesture at the door. There was a small pop and the barrier was gone.

I rushed to Alice's side.

"Baby? Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine." She murmured.

"What happened?"

"It was an accident." She told me. I kissed her forehead lightly.

"Okay... I believe you." Edward sat next to Alice.

"Go to Shannon. I'll stay with Alice." Reluctant, I got up and walked into my en suite bathroom.

Shannon was sitting in a far corner of the room. In the other corner was the shower and Tomy was kneeling by the sink which was right in front of Shannon.

"It's okay. Alice is fine." I told her. Her hair was damp, partly dried. She was wearing a pink fluffy bath robe.

She looked up at me.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered.

"It's fine. But can you explain what happened?" I felt a small hand on the small of my back. That hand was familiar there and the thought made me want to fuck her right there...

Maybe not such a good idea.

Alice saw our future and quickly removed her hand from my back.

"She can explain when she's changed." She told me. I was starting to get annoyed by the lack of explanation so I nodded then left.

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