25. Mom

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I looked at my mother.

Nobody else was here. And there was a white aura around the whole grave. It was pretty.

Mom was sitting opposite me. She looked so beautiful. She wore a knee length white dress. Around he ankle was a tattoo of a daisy chain.

"You're more beautiful than I thought you would be." I told her. Mom smiled softly.

"They knocked a few years off."

"They?" Mom smiled more.

"They." I watched as she pulled up grass shoots from the ground.

"I'm sorry." She looked up at me, surprised.

"Whatever for?"

"For... For killing you..." Mom laughed.

"You didn't kill me. Thomas killed me."

"Am I dead now too?"

"That depends. You can come with me but I don't think it's your time just yet."

"What makes you think that?" Mom reached over and took my hand.

"Your adoptive father needs you."

"Uncle Jasper?"

"You call him that? No, no. Darling, he's you father now. And tell Tomy that too."

"How do you know so much?" Mom giggled softly.

"I watch out for you and Tomy. I'm glad you found Jasper so I can watch over all three of you."

"So you know about vampires?"

"Honey, I knew while I was pregnant with you and Tomy."

"How?" Mom frowned slightly.

"Thomas. He told me as I begged him to kill me," I blinked blankly. "Pregnancy is no fun. Especially when you're pregnant with two half vampire babies." We sat in silence for a bit after that.

The sun was nice. A slight breeze ruffled through our hair. It was the perfect weather. But a part of me was missing. And it wasn't just about Tomy. It wasn't even just about Jasper. It was everyone. Alice, Esme, Carlisle, Renesmee, Jacob, Bella, Edward, Rose and Emmett. They were my family now.

"Did you get to decide?" Mom looked at our entwined hands.

"I didn't think I had anything to live for.After Jasper went missing, I was like a zombie." Mom smiled sadly at the memory.

"When Thomas came...?" I prompted.

"It was like that hole had been filled. Then I died during childbirth."

"I don't understand." Mom let go of my hand and took my face in both of her's.

"Sometimes people die because they have fulfilled their purpose on Earth. Sometimes they die because they want to join loved ones. I thought Jasper was up there. He wasn't but my nana was and that was nice." I looked down at the floor as Mom let go of my face.

"I need you..."

"Maybe you did once. But not anymore," I opened my mouth to talk but Mom placed her finger against my lips. "You HAVE a family now, Shannon. You only get one every lifetime." My eyes filled with tears.

"I don't want to say goodbye again." Mom stood up, pulling me up with her.

"We never did get to say goodbye. So we're not starting now," The tears overflowed and spilled down my cheeks as I hugged her. She hugged me back. "I'm so proud of you, Shannon. So proud."

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too." I felt a sort of swirling in my stomach. I let go of Mom. She helped me to lie back down on the ground.

"Shannon, remember some things for me."

"Anything." I promised. The swirling was spreading to my limbs.

"Tell Tomy I'm proud of him and I love him. Tell Jasper thank you for looking after my children. Say I love him."

"What do you think of Alice?" Mom smiled softly.

"He couldn't have done better. She's perfect for him. She will look after him." I felt my eyes close. I could feel myself slipping away to some place different.

"Goodbye for now my Shannon..." I was too far away to reply.

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