Chapter 1

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You have been a stray kids fan for years now. You own every album, and since the moment you heard them, thought they were one of the most talented groups you had ever come across. From their dancing, singing and personalities, you loved each and every member uniquely .....but for some reason Lee know always held a special place in your heart as your bias. You didn't know if it was his looks, attitude, seductive and dominating demeanor, talent or personality that excited you most about him but his pure existence consumed you.

You have always dreamed about getting to go to one of their concerts and finally this weekend, that dream was coming true! You were able to score 2 front row tickets to the concert! You were taking your best friend, Jessica, with you. She also loved stray kids but Han held her heart. You two had actually met in the k-pop section each buying Stray Kids albums.

"Ugh...there is still so much planning to be done before tomorrow" you thought to yourself. You couldn't imagine how you would accomplish it all before the concert in 24 fucking hours. You still didn't have an outfit which was your biggest worry. Thankfully you and Jessica were going shopping that afternoon for your outfits and that would be a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. You wanted something seductive yet not slutty, classy but still showing off your voluptuous figure. You never wanted to be one of those fan girls who tried to get noticed just by showing too much of their bodies. You wanted to get noticed for just being you. Or at least you hoped and dreamed and prayed to get noticed even though you knew that was near impossible since there would be thousands of other people surrounding the stage and they have girls throwing themselves at them every night, but hey, you could dream right? You had imagined the perfect scenario over and over in your head way to many times than you'd like to admit.

Your phone rings snapping you out of your daydream. The name Jessica displayed across the screen.


"Hey, I'm leaving my house now, I'll be there in 15 minutes to pick you up." She say's excitedly.

"Sounds good, I'll be outside!." And with that you hung up.

You rush to finish getting ready, you throw on your favorite pair of jeans that makes your ass look've honestly been thinking about just wearing those to the concert....and a comfortable black T-shirt. You've never been one to wear much make up so you went with your usual, a little tinted sunscreen and a touch of mascara. You left your hair down, falling past your shoulders, a quick spritz of your favorite vanilla coconut perfume and you were good to go.

Jessica was pulling in your driveway just as you walked out the door....perfect timing.

As soon as you opened the door to her car she squealed.
"Can you believe at this time tomorrow we'll be getting ready for the concert?! I can't believe it's actually happening. Seeing them in person. Thrusting right in front of our faces. I hope Han sweats on me".
Jessica always had a way with painting dirty descriptive pictures, but you weren't complaining.
Maybe that's why you two got along so well, she was never afraid to say the things you would only dare think.

"I know, it doesn't seem real. I hope I can find something perfect to wear today" you say.

"So you can woo Lee Know and seduce him into fucking you backstage?" Jessica giggles.

"Oh my God stop, no!! I mean yes, but, no!" You blush.
"I just want to be noticed, like you see these videos other girls post and Felix or Hyunjin will clearly make eye contact with them. I just want a moment like that."

"Well suit yourself but I'd rather fuck Han than just be noticed by him." She says in all seriousness.

*You roll your eyes while laughing*

The rest of the ride to the mall you two bounce outfit ideas back and forth. You guys were going to the nicest mall downtown. It was a beautiful outdoor mall surrounded by some of the most famous restaurants in town. You loved it here. The vibe, the scenery, the people, all of it.

You had grown up extremely fortunate. A wealthy family, but modest. Never much so that most people never even knew you were independently wealthy until they got to know you and you would bring them to one of your vacation homes....Your favorite was the beach house but sometimes the seclusion of the mountain house couldn't be beat.
Days like this were few and far between, you never went to the mall to splurge but this was a special occasion. THE occasion. Everything needed to be perfect.

"Hey Jess, do you wanna grab a Starbucks first?"

"Um, duh"
Jessica orders first. Her sweet mocha frappe she loved a little to much. "I'd like a mocha frappe with tons of whip cream on top, I love whip cream don't you...? And not just on my drinks". She say seductively batting her eyelashes at the cute barista.

"And can I have an ice passion tea please?" You order timidly.

After paying you two step off to the side to wait and continue to talk about the events tomorrow will hold.

"Y/N, order up!"
The barista flashes you his perfect smile as he hands you your drink. Immediately you notice he hadn't only written your name but also his number on your cup. You blush immensely.
You had never seen what others saw in you. You knew you weren't ugly but the way guys had fallen over themselves for you your whole life just didn't make sense to you. You had only had one boyfriend before. You guys dated in high school but that ended once you started college.

Still blushing you scurry back to Jessica's car.


"These Florida girls are so hot" Changbin says staring out the parked van window.

"They really are" Han replies. "Don't you think so Lee Knowww?"

*Lee Know rolls his eyes.*

"Oh come onnn, Minho. You're no fun. It wouldn't kill you to just look for once." Han says poking Lee Knows side.

Lee Know ignores Hans teasing and continues to scroll on his phone.

"Oh she really is beautiful!" Says Felix

"Her ass makes mine look bad" Chan says with a playful sniffle.

The others all continue to make such a fuss over some girl standing inside Lee know couldn't help but look up just out of sheer annoyed curiosity.

It wasn't very often Lee now found anyone attractive but today was quite the exception. He could see why the others were practically eye fucking this poor girl. Even though he only saw her for half a second leaving the Starbucks their manager had gone into, the girl walking out with the black T-shirt and amazing ass made his breathing hitch. He swallowed hard and went back to his scrolling, never giving the others the satisfaction of knowing he actually did find her unusually attractive.

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