Chapter 21

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The drive home was nothing short of agonizingly slow. But the fact that Lee Know still had a hold of the keychain made it a bit more interesting.

"I think I like this thing" he said smirking devilishly at you while you were gripping the sides of your seat and arching your back.

"I had a feeling you would" you said through your panting. "Can you just hurry up and get home?"
You were so over clenching around the small were craving more.

"Anxious, are we?" Lee Know laughed.

"I don't think I'm the only one who is" you said reaching over and grabbing his hard length through his pants that was pressing against his right thigh down his pant leg. "I'd say you seem more than ready to be home too."

He let out a deep throaty groan as you squeezed him through his pants. You were right, he hadn't felt this turned on ever in his life that he could remember. "You have no idea what you do to me.." he breathed glancing over at you.

You were doing things to Lee Know...not only physically but mentally as well. There was so much more than just physical attraction he was feeling towards you. Your presence brought him peace, the sound of your voice in the mornings had him wishing he could wake up to that everyday and above all else you made him feel understood and safe...someone he could confide in...someone he didn't have to put on a show weren't interested in just Lee Know, you saw him for Minho.

You made him feel alive. Driving down the dark coastal road all he could do was glance over at you and smile...

"What?" You asked noticing his hungry gaze had turned to something different.

"Nothing...I have just really enjoyed being here..with you..more than you realize..." he trailed off.

"Me too..." you said interlocking your fingers in watched as the shadows cast from the streetlights passed over his face...admiring the perfect point of his nose and his soft down turned could see there was something deeper on his mind though..
"What else is it Minho..?"

He let out a deep sigh squeezing your hand. "What's going to happen when I have to go back to Korea..."

"I—I don't know..." you paused. "What do you want to happen...?" you'd be lying if you said it hadn't crossed your mind yet. You had purposefully been ignoring the reality of it because it made you anxious every time it crossed your mind.

You pulled into the house and he put the car in park turning to face you.
"I don't want to leave you...come back with me..please...I want you to come with me." He said searching your eyes for a answer.

You were quiet for a moment taking in what he just asked of could do it...there was nothing here holding you back except for your cat...but surely you could bring him with you... "I—would that be allowed..?" You asked.

"It doesn't matter if it's allowed or not. They can't keep me cooped up forever...I'm a grown man and can make my own decisions and if they have an issue they can go fuck themselves...I'm tired of tiptoeing around and I'm not about to lose the best thing that's ever happened to me because of JYP."

There was a moment of silence between you two just staring at eachother.
"Okay" you breathed.

"Okay?" Lee Know asked... "as in okay—"

You cut him off, "as in okay...I'll come with you.." you said heart hammering in your chest.

He grabbed your face and kissed you like you had never been kissed before, full of passion...pulling back staying nose to nose with you he whispered lips brushing against yours, "I meant it when I said you really are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

This man had a hold on you like never could have imagined. Unlike your usual hard exterior, you were putty in his hands.

"Now where were we" he said grinning from ear to ear as the buzzing started again slamming you back to reality.

Once inside you threw down your keys and phone and tossed your heels to the side.

"Relaxxx" Lee Know cooed in your ear from behind you wrapping his arms around your waist.
"There's no rush...we have all night."

You shuddered as his lips grazed your earlobe making every nerve tingle.

In one swift move Lee Know flipped you around and slammed you up against the door making sure to shield the back of your head with his hand.

You yelped and felt the warmth pool between your legs from how he manhandled you. You enjoyed being in control when it came to fucking but having Lee Know toss you around like his play thing ignited a fire within you.

He bit your bottom lip tugging at it lightly while snaking a hand up between your breasts to your throat and gently wrapping his hand around it tilting your head back to expose your neck to his wanting mouth. You mewled as he explored the crook of your neck licking his way back to your mouth and dipping his warm tongue deep into it finding yours. This kiss alone and his hand still on your throat had you grinding into his hard thigh positioned between your legs.

"Minhoo" you mewled. "I want you to fuck me."

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