Chapter 22

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Lee Know crawled over your now naked body laid back on the bed. He was still fully clothed so you were slowly unbuttoning his shirt exposing his perfect figure...You loved his strong shoulders and toned stomach and the weight of his body on yours.

"Your staring my love" he laughed at you.

"How could I not..?" You cooed in response.

He smirked reaching down running his fingers through your wet fold's illiciting a whine from you.

"Mmm I want your cock" you said licking your lips.

"Oh really?" He said standing to remove the rest of his watched as he unbuttoned his pants releasing the hard length they had been concealing you'd learned to love.

"Maybe if you behave I'll let you have it." He said crawling back between your legs. He hovered over you just enough so that his dick rested on your lower abdomen leaking at the tip.

"I always behave" you said doing your best to pull his body against yours but he held his ground and didn't allow himself to fully lower onto you. He was being a fucking tease...and it was driving you wild with desire.

Lee Know brought his hand back to your throat and applied the slightest amount of had never been into choking but the thought of his beautiful hand around your throat like a necklace made you grind your hips upward desperate for some sort of friction.

"Open your mouth" he said without giving you room to question him...You didn't want to question him wanted him to do anything he wanted with your were so unbelievably his.

You opened your mouth slowly sticking out your tongue while watching him. You could hear your own pulse in your ears...his grip tightening slightly on your throat before he spit into your mouth.

The shock of what he had just done had you clenching around was so unbelievably erotic.
He released his grip on your throat and sat back on his heels between your legs gripping your thighs and spreading them wide open for him. He held the base of his cock and drug it lazily against your dripping cunt.

"Pleasee Lee Know" you whimpered.

"Be patient" he cooed, "so needy for my cock." He said continuing to watch himself drag the head of his dick through your wet folds...teasing you. He rubbed it slowly around your clit before dipping just the tip into your waiting entrance and then pulling back out making you whimper.
He repeated the same movement a few times until he had your back arching off of the bed and mewling with desire.

Lee Know watched his entire length sink into you and lazily drag it fully back out before bottoming out again where he stayed still and leaned forward to kiss you nipping lightly at your lips, placing long, languid kisses on your mouth, bringing a hand up to thread his fingers through your hair.

"Your pussy feels so good around me" he breathed.

You clenched your walls around his cock making him groan from the pressure and he retaliated by flexing inside of you. Neither of you moved but continued to clench and flex in and around each other watching the others reactions until neither of you could take it anymore.

He began pumping into you with long smooth strokes, beads of sweat already forming on his pretty face. You moan, unable to contain it when Lee Know starts moving at a quicker pace...he groans through gritted teeth, halting his movements for a second or two, enough to make you gasp when he slams himself into you again.

"Fuck me harderrr" you whine staring up at him..and with that he begins to drive himself into your cunt harder than he had ever before.
The lewed sounds of your juices filled the room

Entranced by how your tits jiggle each time he fucks into you, while you moan his name loudly, his cock giving you exactly what you need. "You're gonna make me comee already."

He lets out a throaty growl, as your fingers dig into the skin of his biceps, feet hooking around his waist for more support. "Lee know, fuck," you mewl, getting lost in pleasure.

His hands move down to your waist, squeezing it while he hammers into you, and he wishes he could just fill you up now with your mouth open, moaning in pleasure. You look so pretty like this, "Let me feel you come around it... Show me how much you like it. Do you like using my cock to get off?"

You whine desperately, and the sound sends shivers down his spine, it makes Lee Know piston into you until you come all over him then allowing himself to come undone as well...
He comes inside of you not long after, head dropping into the crook of your neck as he slows up and releases fully, grunting throughout it. His seed mixing with your juices at is drips down your thighs.

He stayed laying on top of you, peppering your face with kisses.
"I'm so happy I don't have to leave you" he says nuzzling into your neck. "I can't imagine going back to my life without you in it.."

"Me too, this has been the best two weeks of my life..." you said running your fingers through his hair gently raking his scalp.

He propped himself up on both elbows so that he could look you in the eyes.
"I've been wanting to ask you..." he said pausing.. "I already see you this way but would you do my the honor of officially being my girlfriend..? In private...and in public..?"

You blinked up at him. You knew how much he was putting on the line for himself if he publicly dated...not to mention what that would mean for you...but you trusted him and loved him? You definitely loved him, you loved everything about him.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Lee Know..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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