Chapter 14

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Lee Know slowly walked in to meet you, the small waves breaking against him....You could tell he was nervous.

His black briefs came down mid thigh and hung low below his belly button making the V of his abdomen clearly visible.
You bit your bottom lip as he approached you. He was a God...made to perfection.
"I've never been in the ocean past my ankles" he said looking around nervously.

"Just walk out to me" you said.."it's still shallow here" you stood up to show him it was really only waist deep and you were just kneeling.

Just as he reached you a wave crashed into the back of you pushing you right into his arms. Chest against chest your faces came within inches. He smiled down at you staring directly into your eyes. Pulling away slightly but continuing to hold onto his arm"See it's not so scary is it?"

"It's.....a little.." he said in a nervous laugh.
The feel of your body against him sent his mind spiraling. He couldn't focus on anything else except the warmth of your skin on his.

You tried to calm him. You wanted him to feel what you felt when you were in the ocean.
"Just relax..feel the momentum of the wave coming and just go with it. The Way Of Water Has No Beginning And No End. The Sea Is Around You And In You."

With your words he began to relax a little. "Good" you said.

"I've always been afraid of water but the way you speak of it helps. I'm actually...enjoying it." He said looking over at you still holding his arm. It made his heart pound.

"I'm freezing though!" He said shivering.

"Come on let's get in the pool then, it's heated." You said smiling.

You purposely walked ahead of him and trailed your fingers underneath the ass cheeks of your suit to put it in proper place then grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind you.

You stepped down into the pool...Once that warm water hit your body you let out a moan. "Mmmmm. It feels so good."

You turned around only to meet Lee Knows hungry gaze...He was closer than you had expect him to be. "It does feel good" he said looking from your lips then back up to your eyes. "Everything about this place feels good."

You slowly backed towards to side of the pool and he followed. You two were shoulder deep in the water neither saying anything. You could see the fire in his eyes and the way he licked his lips.

"I have a confession to make." He said glaring at you inching closer. "Since the moment I laid eyes on you I've wanted to do something."

"And what's that?" You asked in a low suggestive voice.

With both of his arms holding the edge of the pool on either side of your head.
"This" he whispered. You could feel his hot breath on your lips as he said it.

His soft lips crashed into yours. Both of your breathing became heavy instantly. His hands dropped, one to the back of your neck and the other to your lower back.
The kiss intensified and you found yourself wrapping your arms around his neck. His kisses started to trail from your mouth along your jawline to the sensitive part below your ear. His heavy breathing in your ear
Sent chills through your entire body and you let out a small low moan.
Your moan must have ignited something within him because he bit the base of your neck. It made you moan even louder with the pleasure and pain from it. You wrapped a leg around his waist and he ran his hand down your thigh to hold it in place.

You could feel exactly what you were doing to him pressing against your thigh...your pussy was throbbing with a need.
As he continued to pepper your neck with kisses licks and sucks you put a hand in his hair and gripped it tightly.
He moaned with pleasure and bit down again.
Another loud moan fell from your lips and now you had both legs wrapped around his waist. He was cupping your ass as he held you in place against the pool wall.
You wanted to feel his hardness against your throbbing core. As he came back up to kiss you again you bit down on his lower lip. This made him press his hips into you slightly and you felt the light pressure of his hard cock against your pussy...your mind was swirling with desire.

Lee Know was holding himself back as best he could.
Not wanting to take it to far with you. Yet. The sound of your moans and mewls made it near impossible though.
He felt his cock lightly press against your pussy and he almost came undone....he grabbed your face with one hand and slid his tongue into your mouth. You tasted so sweet. Your tongue soft and supple.

When your mouths finally broke apart you two rested your foreheads together...staring into each other's eyes panting heavily.

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