Chapter 20

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Lee Know could barely make a coherent sentence as the two of you walked towards to front doors of the restaurant.
He looked like he was in total shock...still clutching the keychain he now had shoved deep down in his pocket.

He held to door open for you and grabbed your hand to follow you inside.

"Hi there, we have a reservation at 6:00 under the name y/n" you said smiling at the hostess. You were thoroughly enjoying the fact that you had Lee Know only wished you knew what was going through his mind.

"Right this way" she said smiling at the two of you.

Your knees almost fucking buckled. An intense vibration hit you just as you were about to start following the hostess....instead you whipped your head around to look at Minho and had to grasp his arm to stabilize yourself.

His eyes were dark with desire and that smirk...fuck that smirk. He knew exactly what he was doing to you in more ways than one right now.
"Follow the hostess to our table my love..." he said words dripping like sweet venom.

You had to compose yourself quickly. You took a breath and tried to focus on walking instead of the vibrating at your core making you clench around it.

Halfway to your table the vibrating stopped and for that you were was clouding your ability to think rationally and pay attention to where you were going.

You were pleasantly surprised to find just as you had requested, your booth was small and intimate in the back of the restaurant. Everything about this restaurant screamed erotic....the dimly lit lights, the heaviness that hung in the air. Large drapes hung from the ceiling giving each table an certain amount of privacy...and each booth you passed being occupied by lovers or bachelorette parties.

You slid into your booth and Lee Know slipped in next to you...he was smiling deviously at soon as the hostess left Lee know whispered into your ear, his lips grazing it lightly.
"I think this dinner will be fun" he smiled kissing you deep, his warm tongue finding yours and there it was again. Fuck you moaned into his mouth as the vibrating made you clench your thighs tightly together.

"Lee Know..." you panted looking at him.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Your not regretting your little plan are you?"

You shook your head no violently while biting your lip suppressing another moan.
Lee know had never felt so powerful in his entire life...he never knew of any kinks he had but today he uncovered one. No one here knew anything except the two of you.

He flicked it off again and you grabbed his thigh gasping. "Having fun?" you asked between breaths.

"Mm a lot actually...I have to ask though...have you ever done this before?" He was curious...he knew of your previous boyfriend but you had said that there was not much sexual chemistry between the two of you.

"No, never...I've always wanted to try it though so me and Jessica went to one of those sex shops and I bought one..." you giggled at the memory. "I was so shy I could barely pay for it."

The waiter came to take your orders. You both decided on the filet mignon and a glass of red wine. You never drank but you figured tonight was a special occasion. It's not everyday you get to go to a fancy restaurant with the famous K-pop idol you've been harboring away from the world in your house and fucking wildly every night.

"You have no idea the things I'm going to do to you when we get home tonight..." he said in a low voice leaning back looking at you.

"Oh reallly?" You said teasing.

"Mmhmm, how wet is your pussy right now? Do you want my cock in your pussy instead of that toy?"

You nodded slowly shifting around in your seat. His filthy wonderful words were making you clench around the vibrator. You weren't going to make it through dinner at this rate.

" can't make me cum in public..."
He had not turned it on for awhile now but the anticipation that it could be at any second had every nerve in your body on high alert.

"I won't, I'm saving that for later...I want to feel you clench around me when you finally do." His words were like honey tonight.

After looking around and making sure no one was near, you ran your hand up his thick thigh and found that he had a massive hard on. You gripped it firmly leaning over to kiss him. "Looks like I'm not the only one having a hard time making it through dinner."

He gritted his teeth and you could see the muscles in his jaw flex. His mouth hung open as he looked at you through hooded eyes. You released your grip sitting back just as dinner was brought out.

The steak was amazing...everything about tonight was amazing...and it was just beginning..

Lee Know watched as you enjoyed your food. You loved good food as much as he did..he was so used to girls being to bashful to eat around men and it had always bothered him. Just another thing about you that set you apart from everyone else.

He slid his hand in his pocket clutching the keychain again waiting for the perfect moment to flick it on.
You were in the middle of a story about how you used to compete in jumping horses and almost went to the Olympics until your horse had a shoulder injury just weeks before.

"UHH" you gasped. You had almost forgotten about the dangerous game you were looked at him eyes wide and trembling.

Just then the waiter came to take your dessert order.
"Do you want anything darling?" he asked smirking.

"Uhm—only if you do" you managed to get out in stuttered words.

"We'll have the chocolate strawberry fondue please" he said handing over the menu.
You couldn't tell if the waiter had a suspicious look on his face or if it was just your imagination.

Thankfully Minho let you eat your strawberries in peace...feeding some of them to you watching the way you took them between your lips. All he could think about was getting you home as quick as possible at this point.

Table For Reference

Table For Reference

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