Chapter 18

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The two of you laid in bed entwined in the bed sheets for the rest of the day. It was such an intimate feeling...Lee Know in his boxer briefs, you in panties deep in conversation about every subject imaginable. One of you would run to the kitchen from time to time and return with an armful of snacks to lazy and content to make a real meal.

Lee Know was so easy to talk to and so much like were honestly surprised at just how down to earth he was for being a literal idol. Propped up on one elbow holding his own head he would run his fingers up and down you arm, petting you with affection. Every touch would illicit chills down your spine making you burn with desire.

You watched him as he talked with so much enthusiasm when he told you stories about their lives...their real lives...not the act the world gets to were seeing the real Lee Minho, not Lee Know...and you loved it...the perfect tip of his nose his soft lips and ....

"You're staring.." he smiled devilishly.

You snapped back to reality and blushed. "I—I'm sorry."

He wound his arm around you and pulled you flush against his body, both now laying on your sides face to face.

"Do you like what you see?" He asked nuzzling in to kiss your neck.

"Mmhmm" you shuddered under his attention tilting your head back opening your neck to him.

He took advantage and began nibbling and sucking the soft and tender skin below your ear...pulling a little moan from you.

"Mmm" You whimpered.

" have no idea what it does to me when you do that.." Simultaneously he bit down on the flesh of your neck while hooking a hand behind your knee pulling it over his hip as he ground into you.

The sudden pressure against your core made you gasp for air. You could feel his hard length through his briefs pressing into you. His lips trailed back up your neck to meet yours and you kissed him with need.

It was sloppy...entwined tongues, moans and bruised swollen soft lips. You felt as if you were downing and he was the air you so desperately needed.

Hooking a single finger in your underwear he pulled them down your thighs as far as he could reach without his mouth leaving shimmied out of them the rest of the way...leaving you completely bare to him...for him...

Your hand found it's way between the two of you and you palmed his hard cock through his briefs...You were now the one pulling moans from him...he grabbed your ass as you dipped below the waistband of his boxers and wrapped your hand around him, already slick with pre cum.

He sucked in air through his teeth was you worked your hand slowly up and down the full length of his shaft.

"Uhh-want to—fuck you—so bad.." he managed to say through gritted teeth.

Your gripped him even tighter still stroking him..
"Really?" You asked in your most seductive voice.

He nodded, tongue now buried in your mouth.

"Then fuck me" you said rolling onto your back stretching your arms overhead...completely offering yourself to him.

He could feel your soft, warm body underneath him, as he climbed on top of you nestling himself between your legs. You were so wet and wanting already...Lee Know gripped the base of his cock and ran the tip of it through your slippery folds a few times before lining himself up at your entrance.

He leaned down and kissed you passionately before pulling back to look into your eyes as he pressed his cock into you...slowly until bottoming out.

Your eyes rolled back in your head as you let out a mewl in complete ecstasy...the pressure from the way he filled you entirely was intoxicating. He caressed your thigh now wrapped around his waist while he slowly began to move inside of you.

The long slow drag of his cock along your sensitive walls while he kissed and licked your neck had you whining below him.

"Fuck...your pussy feels so good.." he said grinding his pubic bone into your clit as he continued to fuck you slowly.

"Mmm—fuck me harder..please"

Up until this point Lee Know had been slow and methodical with his thrusts...wanting to be gentle...make sure you were comfortable but once those words left your mouth he lost all control he had over his body.

He fucked into you with such fervor you lost all awareness of anything else but him and his cock. Nothing else existed.

He leaned back on his knees gripping your hips as he watched himself fuck you into delusion. The way his cock disappeared repeatedly into dripping cunt had him fixated.

Looking up at him, he was the most beautiful thing you had ever a mess...tapered waist to with shoulders..a light sheen of sweat across his entire fucked out body...and he was fucking you.

Your eyes met and he held your gaze in the most intimate way before crashing his lips back into yours.

You whimpered into his mouth knowing you were close to your release. He slammed his hips into yours making you cry out with pleasure.

"Do you like that?" He panted.

"Mmmhmm" you nodded.

He slammed his cock into a few more times.
"I'm—gonna cum." You wined.

"Cum on my cock, I want to feel you cum."

"Uh—Minho" you mewled. With his words your release hit you like a wall. It crashed over you in waves making you clench around him over and over which made his thrust become quick and sloppy as he came to his own peak...

With deep primal sounds leaving his throat, warm pools of cum filled you as he jerked and twitched inside of you. Both tracing your peaks and coming down from your highs together.

He pressed his forehead against yours looking deep in your eyes, both of you panting...he smiled.

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