Chapter 2

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You and Jessica had been browsing the mall for two hours now and you still haven't found the perfect top. You finally decided you were just going to wear your favorite pair of jeans because honestly, you couldn't see yourself in anything but them, but still needed that special top. A top that would surely help catch their eyes, you hoped at least...

"Oh my God I still think you should go with that red deep V-neck you tried on. It made your tits look amazing!"

" I knowwww...I liked it but it just didn't me."

You had always been a sucker for was just your color....It made you feel sexy, seductive and confident.
Thumbing through what felt like the thousandth rack of the day you landed on a strapless all black tube top. It was plain but it spoke to you. You could just picture it in your head, standing in front of that stage looking up as eight beautiful men performed just for you. A night you were sure to cherish forever.

"Jessica this is it!"

"Are you sure? I feel like you need more cleavage! A top that yells fuck me. But then again, I guess from their angle maybe they'll be able to see down it."

As usual you have to roll your eyes at Jessica's forwardness, but you still loved it.
You take it to the dressing room, and just as you thought, it hugged you in all the right places and accentuated your already large chest and small waist.

"It's perfect" you thought.

Jessica ended up with a tiny pink spaghetti strapped dress. It was very Jessica. She wasn't as well endowed as you but she knew how to show off what she had and tomorrow night she was going all out.

You guys paid for your things and headed back to your house, you wanted to get a good nights sleep before tomorrow night. You wanted to look and feel your best.

You showered and got into some comfortable pajamas, put on my facemask and scrolled TikTok for the rest of the evening. Each Lee Know edit you came across had you fantasizing... The way he carried himself, the way he moved on stage, the veins in his arms....that way his black leather pants always left little to the imagination. You imagined how the weight of him on top of you would feel. How his hot breath would feel against your neck. How just the thought of it made between your legs throb. You couldn't help yourself. You weren't actually delusional you knew you were delusional...nothing like that would ever happen, but you couldn't help imagining it.

Before you knew it it was midnight. With the looming excitement of tomorrow it took you way too long to finally fall asleep..


You had never been an early riser but today was different, you woke up full of energy at 8 AM. You immediately texted Jessica and told her to come over whenever she wanted. You two had planned on getting ready at your house together since you had set up a driver for the evening so that you wouldn't have to worry about parking far from the venue.

You were too excited to even eat breakfast so all you had was your usual morning cup of black coffee. You didn't know what to do with the few hours before you needed to begin getting ready. Deciding to try and calm your nerves and preoccupy your mind you started scrolling TikTok as was your vice.

*Your phone buzzes with a text from Jess*

Jessica:"Hey what time do we need to leave by?"

You: "The concert starts at 6:00 so I think we should leave here by 5? Since we have the driver and assigned seats I think being there 30 minutes early should be plenty don't you?"

Jessica: "Yeah I agree, I need at least 3 hours to get ready so I'll be there at 2:00! I couldn't even sleep last night I'm so fucking excited!"

You: "I know me too! I tossed and turned all fucking night😭. I'm going to jump in the shower now"


Just like clockwork Jessica knocked on your door at 2 o'clock, make up bag and concert clothes in hand.

Quickly your bathroom turned into a full blown salon. You blew your hair out and gave it light beachy waves. You decided to wear a little more make up than normal so along with your tinted moisturizer and mascara you went with a little eyeliner and lip oil to. Just enough to give you that Sun kissed seductive glow.

You slid into your best jeans and couldn't help but admire your own ass in the mirror...the tube top paired so well with them. You were never much for jewelry but tonight you decided on a thin black choker.
In Jessica's words, "it gives you a fuck me, kitten look".
You felt unbelievably hot.

Jessica squeezed into her tiny pink dress and wore her hair up with lots of her signature glitter eyeshadow. She looked amazing.

"Oh shit it's already 4:50! The driver should be here any minute!" You yelped when you finally looked at your phone.

"Holy fuck this is actually happening y/n!" Jessica yelled.

"Tickets. Phone. Debit card. I think I have everything I need." You smiled.

"Let's gooooo" again yelled Jess while grabbing you with excitement.


The driver was awesome, he was able to drop you two off directly in front of the venue. Since you had front row VIP seats you didn't even have to wait in the ENORMOUS line out front. You had a separate entrance and a lounge area with complimentary drinks and snacks. It was already better than you had imagined.

You each grabbed a bottle of water and ran to get to your seats. Sure enough, they were only two feet from the stage. Looking around you couldn't help but notice just how many beautiful girls there were all around you. It made you self conscious immediately.
"How could I stand out, how could I be so delusional to think that Lee Know could even notice me" you thought to yourself.

Jessica squeezes your arm and snaps you out of your own thoughts. "Oh my God the lights are dimming, it's starting!"

Fog started to fill the stage and an all to familiar beat began. The stage lights flashed on and you could see them. 8 outlines of the most beautiful men in the world.

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