Chapter 13

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The bright sunshine illuminated the entire room. It's rays falling over a sleeping Minho. As you blinked the sleep from your eyes you fully woke up realizing that you two had both fallen asleep while talking.

He was even perfect as he slept. Much less intimidating...his long lashes, perfect nose and lips slightly parted as he breathed long steady breaths. You watched his chest rise and fall....

You didn't want to wake him so you slid off on the bed as quietly at you could and tiptoed from the room. You wanted to let him sleep as long as he felt the need to take care of him for some reason....

You grabbed a sweater and made your way to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee..still trying to be as quiet as possible.
You leaned your back against the counter cupping the warm mug in your hands and held it up to your face. You inhaled deeply, the smell off coffee was one of your favorite things.

"I'm going to make him a big breakfast, I'm sure he will be starving when he wakes up" you thought to yourself.

You started washing and chopping strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. Next you took out coconut yogurt and spooned out a bowl for each of you and topped it with the berries plus some nuts and seeds.
You were feeling extra ambitious so you decided to also make omelettes. Egg, spinach and mushrooms omelettes were your felt bad not knowing what Lee Know liked but to be completely had seen enough of his lives and interviews to know he loved food and ate just about anything and everything.

You finished with making the food but he still wasn't awake yet...he must be extremely tired....

You decided to tiptoe back into the bedroom and just leave the food on the nightstand beside him so that it was there when he finally did wake up.
As you were setting the food down you accidentally clinked the tray against the lamp. "Fuck" you whispered as you saw his eyes open to look at you.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you..."

In a raspy voice still filled with sleep, "it's ok, I was already starting to wake up..I smelled coffee." He rubbed his eyes.

He sat up in bed and looked over to see the tray...a beautiful omelette, yogurt and fruit bowl and a big cup of coffee.

He looked down at the food and then back up to meet your eyes....
"No one"...he paused.."has ever done this for me before..." he said quietly. "Well except my mother.....she's an amazing woman."
He trailed off but there was a new softness in his voice.

You could tell he was taken aback by the gesture.
"You guys don't cook for eachother?"

" one else is a very good cook. Chan is ok and Felix is good at baking but other than that you couldn't force me to eat any of the others cooking." He smiled in amusement.

"Do you want to eat outside? Or we could just eat in here if you'd like...."

"Outside would be good. I'd like to see it in the daylight."

Each of you carried your food to the porch.
You watched his eyes light with excitement as he took in the view.

"How's the food?" You asked

"Fantastic" he replied grinning, cheeks full.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked between bites.
"I'm sorry I must have fallen asleep in your bed because I was so tired."

"It's ok, it was nice to wake up to" you smiled.

You could see one side of his mouth curve upwards as he smirked.

You guys talked as you both finished eating.
"Do you want to go for a swim in the ocean?" You asked as you were putting the dishes away.

"Erm....I don't really know how to swim" he said embarrassed.

Oh my God. You completely forgot.
" we could just stay in the shallow! I don't usually go out any further than I can stand anyway. Plus it would probably be to cold to stay in for long."

"Only if you promise to save me if I'm drowning...and that includes mouth to mouth." He smirked looking at you through his lashes.

You blushed. "Deal"

You ran up stairs and parted ways. He went to his room and you to yours to change.

You stepped into your one piece black suit. It was high cut on the thighs so it sat just above your hips and had woven strappy sides. It was extremely suggestive but definitely a tease of a suit. You knew It would drive Lee Know wild.

You grabbed a towel and tied in around your waist as there was a knock on your door.
There stood Lee Know. Shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waist also. Oh fuck. Your breathing immediately hitched. His bare chest, wide shoulders leading down to a slim waist was enough to make you weak in the knees. You felt a throb between your legs.

"Erm...I realized I don't exactly have any swim trunks..."he said. "I do have briefs though, close enough I guess" he said with a smirk.


You both walked down to the beach and dropped your towels.
He eyed you hungrily from head to toe.
Before he could say anything you ran ahead of him straight into the water. You wanted to give him a show.
You dipped your head below the surface and came up arched back pushing the water and hair from your face.
You could see he was eyeing your every move.

"Are you coming?" You asked raising one eyebrow.

*Picture of porch and pool for reference*

*Picture of porch and pool for reference*

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*Your suit for reference*

*Your suit for reference*

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