Chapter 17

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You found yourself sitting on the counter eating strawberries with Lee Know between your knees. His face buried in the crook of your neck peppering it with kisses.

"Can I tell you something?" He whispered as his warm breath against your ear sent shivers down your spine.

"Of course" you manage to sigh.

"Even though we've only known each other for a couple—you make me feel a way I've never felt before...seen for who I" he trails off wrapping his arms around your waist.

You could feel the sincerity in his voice, the uncertainty....the emotion. You knew he'd been in the K-pop industry for many years now, being robbed of any sort of a normal life and knew it couldn't be easy.

"You make me feel alive y/n..."

You found yourself pulling back to look him
In the eyes...dark and full of emotion searching your face..waiting for a response.

"You make me feel alive to Minho.." you leaned in to kiss his perfect lips. Snaking your arms around his neck deepening the kiss...It was full of passion making you melt into him. Running your hand up the back of his neck to fist a handful of his hair lightly pulling.

"Fuck I love it when you do that" he groaned into your mouth only edging you on more. You could tell you both had similar turn ons, you loved controlling a situation but found just as much pleasure in him taking control.

With the all to familiar ache between your legs driving you, you wrapped both legs around his waist and pulled him into you harder against the counter. His hands snaked under your t shirt up your bare back leaving your bottom bare except for your panties against the cold counter.
His tongue explored your mouth and you let out a long moan into it as his hand found your breast and he lightly ran his palm across your nipple repeatedly.

"I want to taste you..." he said into your mouth picking you up off of the counter and walking you towards the bedroom. His words only made the wetness pool in your panties more.

He sat on the bed with your legs still wrapped around his waist.
"I want you to sit on my face" he growled unhooking your legs from behind him and falling back on the bed.
His dark gaze made you inhale had never been so turned in before in your life.

"Keep your panties on, and sit on my face."

"O-okay" you croaked.

Sitting back on your knees you pulled your shirt off over your head and worked your way up so that each knee was on either side of his head.
You slowly lowered yourself down onto his waiting mouth..the sensation of his hot mouth against the thin fabric of your panties made you moan instantly.
He licked slow strips from your core to your clit nibbling at it lightly. You reached down and rain your hands through his hair as you couldn't help but move your hips... slowly grinding into his wanting wet mouth.
"Feels s—so good" you moaned.

He gripped your hips and pulled you deeper onto him. The sounds he was making were nothing but primal looked down at him between your legs and he was staring up at you watching the pangs of pleasure fall across your face with each lick.

He snaked a single finger around your thigh hooking it in your panties and pulled them to the side exposing your dripping cunt completely to him.

He held your gaze as he flat tongue licked the entire length of your pussy.

"You taste so good, baby" he said as he began to lap at your throbbing core. "Ride my face" he commanded.

Leaning back with hands on his thighs, his hands gripping your hips, you drug your cunt back and forth across his mouth as he licked and sucked on every part of you.

His tongue prodded as deep as possible into your pussy and you fucked yourself down onto it while his fingers rubbed your couldn't help but mewl loud with pleasure.

"I'm gonna cum" you panted.

He rocked your hips into his face harder and quickened his rubbing of your clit.
You knew he wanted you to cum on his face and that's exactly what you did. You lost control, all sounds and sights faded as your orgasm hit you hard. You yelped and mewled through it, his tongue never relenting. He lapped up everything you gave him.

You pulled yourself off of him..his face a total mess.
"I'm sorry"

"For what?" He smiled

"Your's a mess." You said shyly

"Don't be sorry" he said licking his lips "I could eat your pussy all day."

With your cheeks a crimson red you took the bed sheet and wiped away the remainder of yourself off his face.

He grabbed you and pulled you down onto him.

"Wanna know what else I could do all day?" He asked still flush with desire.

"What?" You asked.

The Lucky One | Lee Know x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now