Chapter 10

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"I need this break" Lee Know sighed into the phone.

Once they made it to their hotel Lee Know closed himself in his room. He was still more irritable than usual. He was exhausted mentally and physically.

"Are you going to visit your family with your time off?" You asked.

"I don't know. I just want to disappear. Get away from it all. I may just go close myself in my room and sleep for two weeks."

You chewed your lip for a moment. You had an idea in your head but you weren't sure how to present it to him or if you even should.
"Fuck it. You only live once" you thought to yourself.

"Well I was you're already in parents have a beach house in's super private and quiet there." Your heart was pounding with nervousness as you spoke. "You could borrow it...or I you there." The last part came out quietly. "Don't feel bad if you can't or want to say no! I completely understand." It was like word vomit. You couldn't stop over explaining yourself.

There was a pause on the other end on the line...

"Ugh I fucking blew it. I shouldn't have said anything." You were thinking to yourself as Lee Know started to speak.

"That sounds a lot better than spending it locked up in my room for two weeks. I'd like that...and I'd really like to see you again."

Your heart fluttered.

"Well..I guess I should start packing then" you said giggling.
"Your concert is tomorrow night, right?"

"Mhmm" Lee hums less than enthused.

"Well I'll check flights and start packing, I'll text you once I have more information." You didn't want to get off the phone and leave him hanging but you wanted to get there as soon as possible.


"Chan, I'm not flying back to Korea with you guys after the show for break. I need Yoo-Joon to cancel my flight."

Bang Chan looked up from his laptop at Lee Know puzzled. "What do you mean your not combing back with us. What are you doing?"

Lee Know huffed as he plopped down in the chair across from Chan. "I just need a break. A real break." He looked down at his hands. It was strange discussing his personal life, even with his hyung. "Y/N has a vacation home here. She says it's quiet and private."

Bang Chan inhaled through his teeth. "I don't know if thats a good idea Lee Know. You just met this girl. We know nothing about her. I don't know if I feel comfortable with that plus I don't know how the company would feel about that."

"It's not up to the company what I do with my fucking time off" Lee Know snapped.

"I get that and I agree but Minho..." Chan paused. He could tell Lee Know was being torn up inside. "What if we just had Yoo-Joon look into her and make sure all she says checks out. Just to be on the safe side."

"Fine..if that's what it takes to keep the company off my back." Lee Know agreed.

He didn't like the thought of invading your privacy even further but surely you'd understand. With hundreds of thousands of girls throwing themselves at them everyday they could never be to careful.


You had already booked a one-way ticket to LAX tomorrow. You even considered buying a ticket to go see their show tomorrow night but that seemed too desperate. As you were busy stuffing as much as possible into your carry-on your phone vibrates.

Lee Know
~I'm sure your probably busy packing but I have a question or....confession.
The company isn't going to feel comfortable with me staying behind with someone I just met. Bang Chan thinks that if I allow my manager to do a background check on you they would feel more comfortable with it...

~That's fine, I have nothing to hide and I completely understand.


Yoo-Joon knocked on Chan and Lee Knows door.

"Well the good news is, I don't think she's after your money or fame. There's not much about her aside from the fact that she a photographer and is an active nature conservationist... every person in her family has a clean slate." Yoo-Joon pauses. " I can't promise JYP won't have both of our heads for this but I will do my best."

"Thank you" Lee Know replied genuinely.

After Yoo-Joon leaves Chan puts his hand on Lee Knows shoulder. "I'm kinda jealous man..."

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