Chapter 5

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You still couldn't believe it was real. You kept waiting to wake up and realize it was all a dream. You didn't only get to have your eye contact moment but it was as if he purposely chose you to sing to by sitting in front of you with that intense stare.
You replayed it in your head at least a hundred times already.
Jessica had even managed to get a video of him while he was seemingly singing to you.

The video was already going viral on TikTok. With 30k views in only 30 minutes of being posted.

You two replayed that video over and over the entire ride home.

"I swear he wanted you" she said.
"You could see it"

"He stares like that at every concert Jess..."

"Yeah I know, but this was different, he was devouring you right in front of everyone."


*12:15 AM your phone buzzes*

Jessica had just left your house so you assumed it was just her texting to relive the events of the night....again.

Wants to send you a message

You didn't recognize the name at first. Most likely just a common spammer so instead of opening the message you just went to sleep.


The next morning you didn't wake up until 11 AM. Not being an early riser plus all the excitement from the night before, you were surprised you even woke up that early.

You grabbed your phone from your nightstand to rewatch the video again from the night before. Tears started streaming down your face from happiness and the realization that it was already over. You felt like it was a dream. One of those dreams you hate to wake up from but are so thankful you had.

While making yourself your morning cup of black coffee you checked your socials. 400k views on Jessica's video you posted on TikTok and hundreds of comments.

"I wish that was me!"
"She really had a me moment!"
"Who the fuck is that?"

You amused yourself reading through them for awhile.

You still had 1 unread message

It wasn't until you clicked on your inbox that you noticed the account "yong.lixx" had a blue verified check mark next to it.

Immediately your body went cold. That nerve shockwave of realization.
"What the fuck am I looking at?" You thought to yourself. "Is this seriously fucking Felix's instagram?"

At this point you heart was pounding out of your chest. You were in a moment a shock.

Yong.lixx Wants to send you a message

You click on it, fingers trembling and heart pounding in your ears. It was as if nothing around you existed. You couldn't even form a thought.

~Hi, I apologize for the unexpected message and if it's too much of an invasion of privacy but I have someone here with me who'd like to formally introduce themselves.~

You had to reread the message about five times and click the profile just to make sure you weren't being delusional and this wasn't some sort of asshole joke.

It was actually Felix's profile. The profile he created just days ago. It was actually him.
What did he mean "I have someone here who'd like to formally introduce themselves"?
What did this mean?

You were in shock and functioning off of pure adrenaline.


"No, that's stupid."

~Is this really Felix?


Fuck. What do you say back? You had to sit and think for a moment. Let reality set in.

~Hi there, who is it that would like to introduce themselves?


You wanted to play it cool. Not act like you weren't practically jumping around your room or shaking while nervously sweating.


The boys were going to be spending the day sight seeing. It wasn't very often they had a day off in a tropical area.

Lee Know and Felix had checked the message early that morning as soon as they woke up.

"It still says delivered" huffed Felix.

"What does that mean?" Lee Know asked.

"It means she hasn't read it yet, when she does it'll say seen."

Lee know spent the morning asking Felix about every 30 minutes if the message had been seen yet.

"What are you two so secret secret about todayyy?" asked Han.

"I bet they're talking about Lee Knows little crush from last night" teased Hyunjin.

"Is someone hungry for a mouthful of tissues?" Lee Know glared.

"Oh come on, we just want to know what her name is." Said Han.

"Not going to happen" replied Lee Know.

"Guys let him be. If he wanted to talk about it he would." Bang Chan knew they shouldn't push it to far with Lee Know or someone would certainly be getting a mouthful of tissues.


They all climbed into the van and headed towards a famous breakfast place near the beach. It supposedly had the best cinnamon rolls in the state.

While stuffing his face with his second cinnamon roll Felix felt his pocket vibrate.

Y/N sent you a message

Felix kicks at Lee Know under the table.

"Ouch!" Yelled Han, cheeks stuffed with cinnamon roll.

"Oh no I'm sorry! It was an accident" Felix apologies profusely.

Felix then looked at Lee Know with wide eyes and then looked down at his phone. Trying to somehow telepathically tell him you replied.

Lee Know understand Felix's body language immediately.
"Lix, let me see your phone real quick so I can take a picture of everyone stuffing there faces."

"Nooo, no, no no" they all yelled in protest but really didn't mind.

It was a good cover. Something he would definitely do any day.

*Lee Know opens message*

~Hi there, who is it that would like to introduce themselves?

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