Chapter 3

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*Lee Knows POV*

The stage lights came up and it started just like every concert before. Well planned, well rehearsed and sold out.
The opening song was circus. They were each dressed in all black.
The crowd roared. Screams from every direction. A sea of thousands of people. It was time to turn on the charm, it was time to turn on the sexy, it was time to be Lee Know of Stray Kids. It was show time.

They began to disperse on stage with their well choreographed moves like they always did. Each of them bouncing back-and-forth from side to side.

Lee Know loved to dance, he loved to dominate the stage just with his presence. Very rarely during shows did he actually stop to take notice of any person in particular despite the constant screaming of his name.
Unlike the other members, the attention didn't excite him. He didn't get into the whole groupie thing.

After the first song Bang Chan began with his opening speech and it gave them all a moment to take in the crowd that surrounded them. Mostly young girls dressed in way too little clothing, but they were used to that.

Hyunjin was of course off flirting to the side already as was Changbin. Felix and Seungmin were walking around saying hello and smiling sweetly to as many fans as possible. That left Han, I.N and himself standing with Bang Chan. As Bang Chan spoke Lee Know did his usual intense stare around the audience.
The one he was known for. He scanned mindlessly until he caught himself doing a double take.

"Why does that face seem familiar?" He thought to himself.


"Holy shit. Lee Know is looking right at you!" Jessica screamed into your ear.

You had been looking off towards where Hyunjin was just to your left and had not even noticed Lee Know staring at you. As you turned, you met his gaze. His stare was even more intense in person. It was like he was eating you alive just by looking at you. You felt so shy you had to look away. " dammit why am I always like this, I lost my one chance, he was staring at me and I looked away." you were beating yourself up. But much to your surprise after what seemed like ages you muster the courage to look back at him only to be surprised to see he was still staring straight at you.

Girls around you were screaming his name, desperately trying to get his attention but it never faltered.

After Bang Chans opening speech it was back to business as all eight of them began to perform again.

" I can't believe I got my moment. I can't believe Lee Know actually looked at me." You were so excited but so sad at the same time, you had your moment and now it's gone, it's over, only to be relived in your head. You tried to push those thoughts out of your head so it wouldn't ruin the rest of the concert. You and Jessica began to dance in total bliss. You were lost in the music as it moved your body.

During the song Super Bowl Felix had squatted down directly in front of you two while he sung his part. He was even more regal in person and you couldn't help but melt in his presence.

When they began to perform maniac something happened, one of those things you had only fantasized about but never actually believed would happen. Directly in front of you sat Lee Know on the side of the stage. The same intense stare....even through his singing...the curve of the side of his mouth smirking once he saw how hard you were staring back directly at him. He knew exactly what he was doing to you and he loved it. Everyone around you was still screaming his name but now some were even turning to look at you as well. What was holding his gaze so intensely?


Lee Knows POV

After locking eyes with her during Chans speech he wanted to get a closer look. Something about her was just too familiar. Once he sat down right in front of her and they locked eyes it hit him.
This was the same girl they had seen leaving Starbucks yesterday. With that realization he couldn't help but smirk.
She wasn't like the rest, she wasn't screaming and acting like an animal. She wasn't showing every inch of skin legal, she was simply existing happily in the moment. She intrigued him. And her eyes, she had some of the most beautiful he had ever seen. True raw, natural beauty.

As the song ended he had to break away. They continue to perform a few more songs but he can't help but steal a glance your way every now and then.

*A quick intermission and wardrobe change.*

Lee Know didn't know what to do or think. He wanted somehow to know who she was, but how and why? Why was he so infatuated with her.



You couldn't believe this was real life. It felt like a dream you would surely be waking up from at any moment. How and why did Lee Know sit directly in front of you? While holding eye contact and even smirking!? What the actual fuck was happening.

During intermission a staff member passed by checking tickets making sure everyone was where they were supposed to be. Surely just keeping order. When the large man made it to you he asked, "name and seat number please".

"Y/N and Jessica seat 103 and 104" you replied.

He scribbled onto his clipboard and continued down the line of those in the front row. You thought nothing of it.

The second half of the concert began and was even better than the first half. It seemed like each member passed by within arms reach multiple times and you couldn't help but notice each time Lee Know made his rounds he would look over at you. But maybe you were imagining it...was it just wishful thinking?

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