Chapter 16

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You woke up to an arm wrapped around you and bare chest against your back. You could feel Lee knows long steady breaths of sleep against the back of your neck. As you reminisced in last nights after dinner activities you felt yourself becoming extremely hot and wet between your legs again. With a little movement you became increasingly aware of Lee Knows rock hard morning wood pressing into your ass. Not being able to help yourself you arch back into him to get a better feel.
His grip tightens around you and he sleepily moans into your neck now fully aware of what you were doing.

You slowly roll out of bed from underneath the weight of his arm....
Staring up at you longingly through his lashes he watches you remove your over sized shirt leaving you in just your underwear.

His eyes trailed you as you slowly walked into the bathroom...looking back only as you disappear into the bathroom. Desire filled his eyes as he lay sprawled out in the bed.

You began filling up the large tub with warm water and your favorite soap for bubbles hoping the sound of the tub being filled and the way you left the bathroom door open would be enough to lure him in.

You slid into the warm water up to your shoulders and closed your eyes. Sighing as it calmed your anxious nerves.
When you finally did open your eyes there stood a half naked man in the doorway.
When you made eye contact and he sensed the open door was indeed an invitation he strode over to you with a dark and hungry stare. His eyes piercing your soul.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Lee Know asked cooly eyes wandering but unable to see anything below the blanket of white bubbles.


Without breaking eye contact Lee Know bent over to pull down the briefs that had been concealing his now half aroused cock.
You bit your lip trying desperately not to look even though he dared you to with his eyes.
He sunk down into the water across from you, arms spread on either side of him.

You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen...not only were truly the most intriguing woman he had ever met. You made his heart skip beats with just a look. He had only known you for days but felt as if he'd know you his entire life. He felt an emptiness inside him filled by simply being in your presence.

"What are you thinking about?" You asked breaking him out of his trance of admiration.
"'ve never met anyone like you before."

"Is that good or bad?" You smile slightly.

"It's good...very good" he said half lying. It was good but he knew the reality of it. He was an idol. He knew a relationship would be near impossible...that didn't stop him from wanting it, trying it. Taking you home with him, forever being his.

"I can't help but think last night was a little unfair" you said sheepishly.

"What do you mean—" his voice catches in his throat as he feels your hands running up his thighs as you lean forward. He watches you as you move towards him finally finding his hard length below the water.

You give him a firm squeeze and he lets out a throaty hum..looking at you through half hooded eyes as you begin to move your hand up and down slowly using mainly just your fingertips in a teasing way.

Lee Know pulls you into him to kiss you as you continue to tease him by now only fisting the head of his cock. He moans into your mouth and then let's his head drop back hips trying to but up into your hand.

"Sit on the side of the tub" you commanded him. He looks up at you eyes glossy with desire. Your directness fueled his own dominating fire.

His body still wet glistened in the morning sun as he propped himself up on the edge...his cock at full attention and throbbing. You slowly slid between his legs and stroked his full length a couple of times slowly before flat tongued licking the tip.
He inhaled sharply through his teeth. The taste of him on your tongue made you clench around nothing.

He watched as you slowly started to suck his full length into your throat gripping your hair to hold it back from blocking his view.
You were beautiful with his cock in your mouth. You looked up at him as you let the tip pop from your mouth and smiled before returning to what you were doing.

This time sucking harder and cupping his balls with your free hand.
He growled deep and throaty as you picked up the pace. You could tell he was nearing his edge and he started to buck his hips up into your mouth.
"Fuckkk..." he groaned lips parted and panting.
"Almost there"
You you started sucking harder and massaging his balls urging him to come in your mouth.
He swore wildly as he unloaded into your mouth, both hands fisting your hair.
You swallowed hard making sure to not lose a drop. He lifted your head to kiss you passionately tasting himself on your tongue as he slipped back into the water while holding you against his chest.

"What would you like for breakfast?" You giggled.

"What would you like for breakfast?" You giggled

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