Chapter 7

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You lathered your hair with your favorite coconut shampoo and let the warm water run over your body... lost in thought about Lee Know...especially him commenting about having the ocean in your eyes. You had always been drawn to the ocean. Something about it empowered you and calmed you at the same time.
You desired to run your fingers through wet sand while the warm waves lapped over your body. It was so sensual and primal to you.

Your thoughts began to wander...Lee Know weight laying on top of you while those warm waves lapped over the both of you lightly. His hands exploring your body, lingering and pawing in all the right places. You felt the throb growing between you thighs.

No, that wasn't an itch you could scratch right now, because why would you fantasize about something that was just hours away from being reality.


"Hey Chan.. do you think I could borrow our driver for the evening?" Lee Know asked once he got Bang Chan alone.

"For what? Not that girl is it?" Chan raised an eyebrow.

"I'd like to take her to dinner tonight since we are leaving in the morning....if my hyung allows me to that is" Lee Know replied sarcastically but playfully.

"As long as you keep a low profile, I don't care... We are all staying in tonight, I want everyone to get a good nights rest, we have a long day of traveling tomorrow."

Lee Know nodded in understanding. "Don't worry dad, I'll be home by curfew."


As usual, you left your hair down in soft beachy waves. You put on a little mascara and your lip oil...just enough make up to give you a glow. Of course you covered yourself in your favorite coconut vanilla perfume.
You slipped into your black dress and took a step back to look in the mirror.

"Perfect." You thought and you ran your hand up and down your sides. You loved the way this dress made you feel.

Just then your phone buzzed with a text from an unknown number which you assumed was Lee Knows.

Lee Know
Hey, it's Lee Know. I will be there at 5:30 to pick you up.

Your heart began to race again. "Deep breaths" you told yourself.
It was 5 o'clock now so you had just enough time to feed your cat Tommy and finish getting ready before he arrived.

You grabbed a small black clutch just big enough to keep your phone and credit card inside and reminded yourself yet again...Deep. Breaths.

There was a knock at your door and you froze. It was him. It was really him. Standing just on the other side of your front door was Lee Know himself.

You felt like a deer in the headlights.
You took one last breath as you opened the door.

In front of you dressed in black from head to toe stood the most handsome man you had ever seen in your entire life.
He had on fitted black slacks and a tight black dress shirt. He looked at you through his long dark lashes lashes smirking devilishly.

Was he trying to make you melt into a puddle right here on your doorstep?


Lee Knows POV

His breath hitched, all he could think was wow as you opened the door. He drank you in from head to toe, not missing a single curve but just like before, was infatuated with your eyes.
If you were any other girl he would most likely skip dinner and fuck you right on your kitchen table all night long... But you weren't just any other girl, and he still didn't understand why.

With a smirk he handed you a single red rose and offering out his arm asked "shall we?".

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