Chapter 11

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The next day was a blur. You called your parents to let them know you would be at the house in Malibu for two weeks and make sure they could babysit Tommy. You also decided that you had better tell Jessica as well. You've been avoiding her phone calls since the concert just blaming it on being extra tired.

"Oh my gosh I want to come with you!" She said

"I just need some time alone Jess. Next time for sure! I promise.."

"Ugh fineeee." She whined.

You texted Lee Know that your flight would be arriving at 4:00 and you were going to go straight to the house. He did offer for you to come to the concert but traveling always exhausted you. You wanted to be well rested and get the house opened up so that it was perfect when he got there.


You were jolted awake as your plane touched down, you never drank but were a nervous flyer so you had a glass of champagne at takeoff in hopes to calm your nerves. Apparently it worked because you didn't remember any of your flight. "Thank God" you thought.
You hadn't been here in over a year so you were excited to get to the house, you missed it. It was your favorite place in the entire world and you couldn't wait to share your slice of Heaven with Lee Know.

You felt that all to common nervous shock through your body. How do you approach the sleeping arrangements? Would he want to have his own room? Would you want to have your own room? Were you planning on throwing yourself at him the first chance you got? Or would you make him work for it?

You could already feel that there was sexual tension between the two of you after your encounter on your front porch and you loved nothing more than the chase. Lee Knows intense presence told you he probably felt the same.

"A hard to get tease you would be", you thought with a smirk.


*Lee Knows pocket vibrates*

~Im going to head straight to the house to get it all opened up and make sure the essentials are there.

Lee Know
~Are you sure you don't want to come to the concert tonight? I can get you a ticket..

~Im sure, but thank you. Flying exhausts me. I was going to stop by the store on my way there. Is there anything special you like to have on hand?

Lee Know
~You don't have to do that I'm your guest. Anything is fine with me.

~If you say so. I'm just going to load up on fruits, coffee and a few items to make for dinner. I hope your ok with eating in, I love to cook, especially bake.

You drove up the was only about an hour from the airport and pretty quiet this time of year. For that you were thankful. You didn't want someone spotting him and ruining his "calm and peaceful" escape. Plus. You didn't feel like getting death threats from crazed fans.

The TikTok from the concert was already creating a huge buzz in the K-pop world. People were desperately trying to find out who you were. Thankfully the video didn't show much of your face so every search had come to a dead far at least. You understood why they didn't date. People were crazy.


You unlock the door to the house...the all too familiar scent hitting you. You close your eyes and inhale deeply. It smelled like the salty ocean.
After putting away all the groceries you opened up all the shutters so that the entire house was illuminated with bright sunshine. Walking into the master bedroom you set your bag down...this room had your favorite view in the entire house. One wall was complete windows that led out to a balcony overlooking the beach. You sprawled out on the king size bed and let out a huge exhale.

"Was he planning on coming tonight?" You wondered.. "or tomorrow?"....

You looked at the time... you thought it was still early enough to text him before the show.

~Hey, were you wanting to come here tonight after the show or tomorrow once the others leave?

Lee Know
~It'd be great to get out of here tonight and avoid all the questions tomorrow when I don't get on the plane...if that's alright with you that is.

~Sure. I'll text you the address

Lee Know
~Im sorry, they're yelling for me in makeup to prep for show now, I'll text you after.

~Good luck

You knew he would be getting in late, probably midnight. That was OK though, you were excited that he would get to wake up to the sunrise and take it all in for the first time that way.

You decided to take a shower and put on some comfortable clothes so you could sit by the pool and watch the sunset.

This was also your favorite bathroom in the house. The huge walk in shower with a jacuzzi tub that also overlooked the beach.

Looking into your suitcase you couldn't decide on what pajamas you wanted to have on when he got there. After trying on every possible combination you
finally settled on white pj pants and white tank top.
You wanted to be comfortable and yourself..


As you sat looking at the sunset sipping hot tea you checked the time...8:30...he was definitely mid show.

You scrolled through TikTok trying to see if anyone had it on live stream.
Sure enough, they did. Fans were screaming so loud you could hardly hear what song they were in the middle of but you could see them.

Every hip roll made you hotter. How would that man up there be staying with you. You were still in complete disbelief...

*Bedroom Pic for Reference*

*Bedroom Pic for Reference*

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