Chapter 6

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~You may remember me from last night...I know I remember you. I'm sorry if I overstepped by contacting you but I had to know a little more about the girl with the ocean in her eyes. Btw this is Lee Minho.

Your heart was exploding in your chest. You felt like you were on the verge of an anxiety attack. You couldn't breath.
Was Lee Know really messaging you right now? Did he just give you a compliment on your eyes? You still didn't know if this was some sort of sick joke. But everything pointed to no. This was actually happening.

~Oh yeah, I think I remember My names y/n but I guess you already knew that lol.

"Ugh. Way to many "lols"" you said out loud after you hit send burying you face into your pillow.

Lee know smirked when your reply popped up so quickly. He knew he could get what he wanted easily when it came to girls. Even though there was something different about you, he still wanted you. In every way, place and position possible.

~I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me this evening. I'm only in town for the rest of the day. We fly out early in the morning.

You couldn't believe what you were reading. Lee Know just asked you on a....a date?

~Um sure. Where did you have in mind?

~I was hoping you could suggest somewhere since I'm not familiar with the area?

Suggest somewhere? He wanted me to suggest somewhere to take a man who was a literal K-pop star?
You thought for a few minutes staring at the ceiling....You wanted something that would be dark so maybe he wouldn't get recognized but classy at the same time.
You decided on a very intimate restaurant that overlooked the water. It was the perfect atmosphere, quiet and extremely relaxing. Plus the sunset view couldn't be beat.

~We could try Driftwood, it's one of my favorite restaurants and the views can't be beat. Sometimes it's hard to get a reservation on such short notice though.

~Sounds great. I'll take care of the rest, don't worry about it.

You were trying to come up with as many ways as possible to test if you were dreaming. You tried literally pinching yourself, willing yourself awake, neither changed anything. You wanted to call and tell Jessica so badly but something was telling you to keep this to yourself. You felt as if you had a dirty little secret and it was all yours to keep.

Just then you got an idea. You had dozens of pictures from last night you and Jess had taken of eachother. You wanted to post one since you knew Lee Know would surely see it, or at least you hoped he would. Suddenly your cheeks flushed red with the realization that he had probably seen all of your instagram photos. You wanted to crawl under the bed with embarrassment.
Through your embarrassment you settled on posting a picture where you were smiling bright throwing a peace sign with your back to the stage. The best part about it could see Lee Know and some of the others is the background.

"Best night of my life" you captioned it with a smile.


After leaving the cafe Felix stepped aside with Lee Know.
"How did it go? Did you message her back? What did you say?"

Lee Know handed Felix back his phone for him to read himself.

Felix went wide eyed. "Dinner...tonight?" He paused. "You know you have to tell at least Chan your going, someone other than me has to know where you are."

"I will, just not the others. They don't need to know." Lee Know wasn't sure if it was jealousy he felt over you but he didn't want the others knowing your name and going through your personal account. Not after the way they were just eye fucking you less than 48 hours ago. No, you were his to keep.


"What do I wear!?" You began to go into panic mode.
Sure you had been on dates before but never with someone like this. Never with someone you had fantasized about over and over while knowing it would never come true.

Running to your closet you started to thumb through every item you owned. A dress, yes, this restaurant was to nice for jeans and you weren't into skirts.
You stopped suddenly. Running your hand slowly over the soft black fabric..."this one" you whispered.
It was a long black maxi dress with thin straps. It encased your entire body but it left almost nothing to the imagination. Every curve, ever dip, every aspect of your body was accentuated in the most seductive way possible. If there was ever a dress that yelled fuck me mercilessly, but only once you've worked for it, this was it.
Deep down you were a very sexual person, you kept that part of you hidden away. Not even your prior boyfriend could ever satisfy your hunger. It was always to vanilla for you. You wanted a lover with fire in his eyes, someone who couldn't hold back their most carnal wants. You wanted to be used but also worshipped. That's exactly the story you felt this dress told to any onlooker.

*Your phone vibrates*

~Does dinner at 6:00 work for you? Also, could I get your address and number so I can give Felix back his phone. He may be having withdrawals.

You reply with your address and phone number then fall onto your bed once more in disbelief.

**Your dress for mental image**

**Your dress for mental image**

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