Chapter 12

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It's 11 PM and you were starting to doze off, it was almost impossible to keep your eyes open.
Jet lagged for sure...It was 2:00 at home. You didn't know how any of them did it. Flying around the world, hopping from one time zone to the next...and still managing to have enough energy to put on amazing shows.. no wonder Lee Know so desperately wanted a break.

Just as your heavy lids started to close once again your phone buzzes in your hand jolting you to full attention.

Lee Know
~I'm on my way

Your stomach began doing somersaults. In just an hour you'd be face to face with Lee Know once again.

~Sounds good. I'll be here 😊

You groaned...This was going to be the longest hour of your entire life. You needed something to keep your self busy or you were going to drive yourself crazy.
Brownies. That's it. You were going to make brownies!

You trotted to the kitchen and started pulling out all the ingredients. You hoped he like brownies...what if he didn't like brownies? Ugh you were starting to overthink again.

It was 11:45 when you finally got them in the oven. They needed to cook for 30 minutes. You were panicking. No no no they won't be done before he get here! At least you had enough time to clean the kitchen.

The doorbell rang.

Your heart started racing immediately.

You opened it to a smirking Lee Know with a bag.
He was beautiful. Still in full makeup from the show.
"Hi" you said shyly looking down.
"Hi" he smiled back.

There was a pause. You were so nervous you didn't know what to say. "Um sorry...come in..." you croaked.

He picked up his bag and stepped inside immediately taking his shoes off. You appreciated the Korean culture for so many reason but removing shoes before entering a home was one of your favorites. You had always been a very clean person.

He stood in the entryway and looked around. "This is a beautiful home. I see why you like it so much...thank you for having me."

"Let me show you around a bit"

He followed you into the kitchen just as the timer went off for your brownies. "Oh, I made brownies...I'm not sure if you like them but if you do help yourself."

"I love brownies" he smiled eyeing you up and down. He could tell how nervous you were...He took one from the plate you offered and held eye contact as he took a slow bite. "Hmm...these could be the best brownies I've ever had." He smiled.

You had a mouthful of brownie yourself but couldn't help but smile, your hand shielding your face out of embarrassment.

"Do you mind if I shower? It was quite the show so I'm sure I need one."

"Of course" you said. Follow me.
He picked up his bag and followed closely behind you. You debated on whether or not to take him to the master bath but you still weren't sure about the sleeping arrangements. Why not, you thought.

He followed you into the huge bedroom and into the bathroom. You opened the linen closet and grabbed him out a couple towels and washcloth.

Lee Know couldn't help but stare as you bent over gathering the items, biting his lower lip.

You turned around to face him. You could see the fire in his gaze. He took a step towards you and took the towels from your hand..making sure to brush your hand as he did.
"Thank you" he said in a low voice.

"Yo-your welcome" you manage to squeak out. "I'll let you have some privacy" you say as you squeeze past him, your breast's unintentionally grazing his arm through your tank top.

That didn't go unnoticed by Lee Know. It took all of his self control not to grab you and kiss you passionately right then and there.

You walked out and closed the door behind you.

You decided to sit on the balcony and listen to the waves crash in the dark as he showered.

You sat down and closed your inhaled deeply. You were focusing on not overthinking and just living in this perfect moment. This perfect moment.

Before you knew it you heard Lee Know walk out. He plopped down in the chair next to you. His hair was still wet and he was wearing grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt. Your breathing hitches and it didn't go unnoticed by him..he was thoroughly enjoying what he did to you with just his presence.

Tilting your head back the ocean breeze blowing your hair from your face. He was watching you out of the corner of his eye. He'd never seen such a beautiful human being before.

You were the first to speak. "How was the show tonight?"

"It was good. A full house. But I'm glad to be done for awhile...this place seems exactly like what I need."

The two of you made small talk for a few more minutes.
"Hey want to go inside? I'm getting a little cold" you asked.

"Of course" he said. Lee Know noticed your hard nipples beneath your shirt as he closed the sliding glass door behind him.

"Oh, and I can show you your room if you'd like?" You asked it more as a question than a statement.
He picked up his bag and once again followed behind you.
It was just the next room over but you wanted him to be able to have his own space.

"I know it's getting late but do you mind if we sit and talk awhile more?" He asked.

Your heart fluttered. "Sure" you smiled.

You both went back into your room and sat on either side of the bed.

"How did the others take the news of you not returning home with them?" You asked

"No one knows except Chan and Felix" he laughed.
"I can't wait to hear how wild they all go once they realize I'm not there. I told Felix to give me updates."

"Oh no...I hope it doesn't cause any issues between you guys"

"Not at all, we just enjoy terrorizing each other." He laughed.

"True...I guess I've seen enough of your videos to know that's just the type of relationship you all have." You blushed. "It must sound silly to know I've watched your lives and videos."

He rolled over to face you as you rolled to face him.
He brushed a hair from your face and tucked it behind your ear.
"Not silly, I'm flattered" he said. His gaze intense and non faltering....It was like he could see through you.

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