Chapter 19

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Chapter inspires by the song: Rosenfeld-Like U

Days passed while the two of you stayed tangled up in each other losing track of time and days. It was like nothing you had experienced before...he was like nothing you had experienced before. You discussed your lives, professional and personal and were growing closer each day. It was like the two of you had shut the rest of the world out.

"So I have an idea..." you said setting your elbows on the edge of the pool while Lee Know laid in the hammock watching you.

"I'm listening" he said smirking at you.

You two had become so close in such a short amount of time he could already read that whatever it was you were about to say was going to be raunchy...he was enticed.

"I thought we could go out to dinner tonight." You said smiling up at him. It would be the first time either of you had left the house since arriving...

"Oh—sure that sounds good" he said a little surprised that's all it was...

"There's this little place that's called Better Than Sex...I've never been but I've heard it's amazing and very dark and intimate so we wouldn't have to worry about anyone recognizing you really."

"Better than sex? I doubt that" he laughed. "I don't think anything could top this past week I've spent fucking you." He wasn't lying, this past week had been one of the best times in his life. He had never relaxed like this before or felt so comfortable around another person...even his brothers. You were unreal, everything he had ever dreamed of.

You blushed at his confession...and you had to agree. Every second you spent with him your feelings for him grew stronger. He was kind and sweet but fuck...he knew how to fuck you until you were delirious.

"I'll call and make a reservation" you said getting out of the pool and flopping your wet body down on the chaise lounge nearest to him.

"Thank you" you hung up.

"They only had a reservation for 6:00 so I need to start getting ready." You said to Lee Know who was now standing over you.

"Cold?" He asked darting his tongue out to wet his lips.

"Not really..."

He leaned down to kiss you while he brought his warm hands up to cup your breast and pinch your hard nipples through your suit..fine, maybe you were a little cold.

"Mmm I beg to differ" he moaned into the kiss.

You inhaled sharply as he began to roll them between thumb and forefinger letting out a whine into his mouth. Your nipples were so sensitive and he loved taking advantage of that....he loved hearing the whines he could illicit from your mouth.

He pulled you up and sat in your place then pulled you back down onto his lap so that you were straddling him...he was face to face with your breasts, his teeth now replacing where his fingers had been. Cupping each breast he bit and licked at each nipple through your suit.

"Mmmm Minho" you mewled. "I—I have to get ready for dinner."

"Are you sure we can't be late" he said between licks and bites.

You grabbed a fistful of his hair and tugged it hard enough to pull his head from your chest to look up at you.
Fuck...he loved it when you did that.

"No we can't be late, Minho" you said sternly "plus I haven't even told you the best part about dinner."

"What's the best part?" He said now extremely intrigued...he knew there was more to what you were going to say earlier.

"I can't tell's a surprise" you said still holding his hair tightly. You dipped down and bit his bottom lip. "I'm going to get ready."


You decided on a short black cocktail dress and a pair of heels. You pulled your hair up into a slick bun and decided to go all out tonight and wear red lipstick with a dark smokey eye....You wanted to look delicious. And delicious you did look, or so you thought by the way Lee Knows eyes instantly darkened when you walked out of the bathroom.

He was dressed in black slacks and a fitted black dress shirt that showed off his broad shoulders and slim waist in a way that made you instantly slick in your panties.

"Ready my love?" He said holding out an arm for you to take.

"My love?" You thought. Did he just say that? Had you heard him wrong...? It wasn't like he said I love you or love? Your heart pounded as you took his arm.


He drove resting his hand on your thigh while you navigated the way. The veins in his hands made you oblivious to most of your surroundings the entire ride. You wanted him to touch you so wanted to fuck yourself on those fingers.

Unfortunately you were snapped from your filthy thoughts arriving at the restaurant parking in front of the valet.

"Wait, before we go in I have to give you your surprise" you said digging around in your purse.

Lee Know didn't have any idea what you could be talking about...he was completely confused.

"Here" you said placing something in the palm of his hand.

He looked down at it looked like a keychain. Why would you be giving him a keychain he wondered.

"Um...what...what is it?" He said looking at you still confused.

"Well—you see those buttons? They control something." You said looking into his still puzzled face.

He thought for a moment trying to understand what you were talking about when realization hit. He looked up at you eyes blown wide.

"Something as have a fucking vibrator in your pussy right now?" He asked, his breathing having quickened uncontrollably.

"Mmhmm..." you smiled. "And your in control of it tonight."

You don't think you had ever seen his so turned on before. He looked like he was going to pass the fuck out.

"Where the fuck have you been my whole life" he said leaning over to kiss you.

"I've been waiting for a guy like you."

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