Chapter 9

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You laid your rose on your nightstand and stripped yourself of your dress before falling onto your bed in complete disbelief. You had just had the most amazing evening of your life.

"Thank you again for tonight" you texted Lee Know.

You thought maybe it was too soon to already be texting him but figured a simple thank you wouldn't seem too needy or desperate....just polite.

Lee Know
~It was my pleasure. Btw was last night still the best night of your life?

At first you didn't understand what he was meaning... but then remembered your Instagram post you captioned -best night ever-, he had definitely seen it.

~Maybe second best night...

Now knowing he was watching your posts you decided to take a selfie smelling the rose he had given you. It was the deepest crimson red you had ever seen. Your hair was up in a loose bun now with a few ringlets falling and framing your face. Letting your oversized sweater fall off of one shoulder, you closed your eyes and held the rose up to your nose and snapped the photo.

It turned out beautiful, just like you had hoped. Elegant but suggestive to any onlooker. Not that you were posting it for anyone other than in hopes Lee Know would see it and be reminded of the night...and of you.

You wanted nothing more than to continue to text Lee Know but you knew he had to be up early for his 5 AM flight so you decided it was best to just go to sleep. You couldn't forget the feeling of his lips as they brushed against your ear or the chills the warmth of his breath on your neck sent through your body. Everything about him was intoxicating.


Once back at his hotel, Lee know couldn't stop thinking about you either. He flopped down onto his bed and laid on his stomach while scrolling through your Instagram yet again. He smiled as he saw your new post with the rose. So unintentionally seductive he thought. He began to reminisce about the beautiful you fucking hot you looked in your long black dress, your smell of warm vanilla and coconut that drove him wild.
His mind began to wander in the dirtiest of directions... he wanted to slowly run his hands down your back cupping your ass as he lifted you up off of the floor, your legs wrapping themselves around his waist as he braced you up against the wall. He imagined ripping those straps from your shoulders and biting down. Hard. Where your neck met the rest of your body.
Lee Know caught himself grinding into the bed in search of some sort of release. Poor Felix though, they were sharing the room so he thought it best to put the phone down and go to sleep before he caused irreversible damage.


5 AM came to soon.

They all met in the hotel lobby each yawning and rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

"Where were you last night?" Seungmin asked. "I.N and I came looking for you to make sure you were feeling alright."

"Yeah Lee Know, where were you..?" Han asked with a smirk.

"I took someone to dinner" Lee Know replied in a monotone voice trying not to giving them anymore information than necessary.

Felix was surprised Lee Know actually said it out loud to the others. "I thought you didn't want anyone to know?! I tried to cover for you the best I could...I said you went to bed early but I didn't know Seungmin and I.N went to check on you."

"Since we're leaving I figured why not torture them by making them wonder about it but not answer any questions. It'll amuse me." Lee Know said smirking.

Everyone was to tired to ask questions anyway.

As Lee Know sat staring out his first class window seat he couldn't help but wonder if he would see you again. He knew he wanted to....he just wasn't sure how that was possible. This was all new to him. He had never actually dated anyone before.
K-pop stars didn't date. It wasn't that it was forbidden but there were so many factors. First, his schedule was crazy busy. Second, who knew how the public would react if and when they found out and not to mention living literally on the other side of the world...
He had the flight attendant make up his seat into a bed for him and with that he rolled over and went back to sleep before he drove himself crazy by overthinking.


They landed at LAX 5 hours later. Their last show of the tour was in Los Angeles. Leaving the airport Lee Know had very little patience for paparazzi and screaming fans today. Clearly someone had tipped them off as to what flight they were coming in on because there seemed to be more than usual. He pulled his hat down low, his mask high and looked at no one.

Lee know fumbled with his phone in his hands the entire van ride to their hotel. He wanted to talk to you but he didn't know how or what to say..

Lee Know
~Good Morning

You startled awake at the vibration on your nightstand. You had slept restlessly. Waking up repeatedly blinking the sleep from your eyes trying to gain enough consciousness to remember if it was a dream or you really did spend the evening with Lee Know. Once satisfied that it wasn't a dream you would fall back into another restless sleep.

"Good Morning" you read aloud smiling sleepily.

~Good morning. How was your flight?

Lee Know
~Long and tiring. Did you sleep well?

~Um..I didn't sleep great to be completely honest..

Lee Know
~Why is that?

~Im not sure, I think it was just all the residual excitement from our dinner.

At that reply Lee Know smirked.
Throughout the day you two continued to text. The more you learned about him as an actual person rather than just Lee Know from Stray Kids the more you liked him. You could tell despite his tough outter shell there was a deep and caring person. It didn't matter to you if most people didn't see saw it.

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