Chapter 15

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You were in the shower and Lee Know was of course debating on whether or not to walk in and join you. Instead he decided it would be best if he checked his phone... 12 missed called and a slew of texts.

Han- "Where are you!?"

Hyunjin- "Why aren't you flying home with us? What's going on?"

Felix- "I hope your having a good time 😉. These guys are going wild over you disappearing lol"

Bang Chan- "Be safe"

Seungmin- "Hyung wheree did you goo?"

Changbin- "You're one lucky bastard"

I.N- "I miss you already"

He knew this was bound to happen and for that reason was glad he had left last night so he could avoid dealing with all of this in person.

He flopped backwards onto the bed reminiscing in your kiss. He wanted more, so much more. The way you felt against him. Your moans he drew from your mouth just by kissing you. He wondered what other sound he could get out of you other ways.zzzHe had to stop thinking about it because it was causing a growing problem he couldn't conceal in his briefs.

After showers and putting on real clothes the two of you mutually agreed on staying in for dinner.
"Do you just want to order a pizza? Or we could go out if you'd like to" He asked.
"Pizza sounds great. I honestly prefer staying in over going out."
"Me too" he replied.

He was very similar to you. Quiet and relaxed but full of fire. Plus you both loved cats.
As you waited for pizza to be delivered you guys laughed uncontrollably while sharing pictures of each other's cats. He especially loved that every year you took a Christmas picture with Tommy your cat...he did the same with Soon-ie, Doong-ie, and Dori.
"You can't ever tell that to anyone" he laughed.

"I promise I won't"

*An hour later the doorbell rang*

"That must be the pizza" you said.

"I'll go get it" he said hopping off the bed.

While he went to get the pizza you decided to change into something comfortable for the night.
You walked into the bathroom but didn't close the door all the way as he walked back into the room you could see his reflection in the mirror as he sat back on the bed with the pizza.
"If I can see him, he can see me" you thought...You had an idea.

Acting as if you had no idea what you were doing you took off your top slowly pulling it over your head leaving you in your then began to unbutton your pants. Looking up slightly through your lashes you could see he had noticed but you didn't let him know you knew. You wanted to put on a show for him. You slid your jeans down you'r thighs revealing your black thong that matched your black bra.

Lee Know bit his lip and was in a heated pant as he watched you strip. He didn't think you knew he could see you.

You leaned over the counter to look closely in the mirror as you put your hair up in a messy bun....Once satisfied you had lingered long enough you reluctantly pulled a big t-shirt over your head that stopped just below your ass cheeks.

You walked out and plopped on the bed beside him happily knowing what you had just done.

"Ready to eat?" You asked

He raised an eyebrow at you with that smirk and fiery gaze.
A heated blush crept onto your cheeks. You knew exactly what he was thinking after you said that.

"I'm definitely ready to eat...I'm starving" he said taking a bite of pizza but never breaking eye contact with you.


You guys finished the whole thing and were lying there stuffed.
"Ugh I couldn't eat another bite" you said.

Lee know rolled over and propped himself up on one elbow inches from your face. "I could" he said licking his lips. You were still lying flat on your back when his lips found yours again. It felt like it had been years but it was merely hours since you had tasted him last.

The kiss was slow and steady at first but you wanted more and you knew he did too. You ran your fingers through his hair again and squeezed a fistful of it. He let out a low throaty growl and climbed on top of you...a knee pressing between your legs. His kisses started to trail down your neck as his one hand ran up your outter thigh only stopping once it met the fabric of your panties on your hip.
You let out a low moan and lifted your hips up in desperation. With that he lowered himself down onto you. The full weight of his body on top of yours sent your mind spiraling.
Grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling your head back lightly he drug his tongue in a wet trail from your collarbone to your chin and bit down lightly on your jawbone.
He returned to kissing your mouth and ran his hands up further under your shirt inching it up as he went.
You lifted your arms above your head urging him to removing it completely.
He sat back on his knees to help you sit up and pull it over your head.
Following suit he removed his too...
Lee Know then grabbed you and flopped onto his back taking you with him so that you were now straddling him.
He was still wearing his tight black pants and the contrast of his exposed porcelain abdomen against them was fucking gorgeous. He had a faint trail of hair from his bellybutton that disappeared under his pants.

"Ride me" he growled into your ear as he held your body against his. You could feel how hard he was beneath his jeans against your pussy. You started to move your hips grinding into him. The friction your underwear and his jeans created made your eyes roll back in your head.
You let out a long moan.
"You sound so pretty when you grind on my cock" he said in a raspy voice. "I want to hear you."

Your panties were completely drenched at this point.
Grabbing your hips tightly he ground you harder into him pulling more mewls from your mouth.
He unhooked your bra and pulled it off throwing it to the side.
One hand staying on your hip the other coming up to cup your breast. He rolled your nipple between his thumb and forefinger before bringing you up to his mouth.
His hot wet tongue swirling your nipple before sucking it lightly.
"Feels so good" you managed to moan.
He spanked your ass hard spurring you into another loud moan and your ground harder into his cock.

"Do you like that?" He growled.
"Mmhmm" you whined.

He smacked your ass again before bringing up both hands to cup each breast. He could tell you were getting close through your panting and mewls.
He alternated between the two taking turns sucking and licking them as you continued to dry hump him. The harder he sucked the closer you came to your edge.
"I want you to come on my jeans" he said as he came back to meet your mouth. "I want to hear you" he urged you on. Grabbing both ass cheeks he looked into your eyes. The fire and intensity in them was like nothing you had seen before. His slightly parted lips and face of pleasure was enough to make you come undone. You whined and moaned wildly as you orgasmed.

He held you against his body, both panting, as you came down from your high.

You sat up still straddling him....he gripped your hips and his eyes raked over your entire body. His stare lingered on your soaking wet panties and he tutted running his thumb over your sensitive clit. He pulled your panties to the side and slid his thumb through your sensitive wetness one last time.
"Such a pretty pussy" he said smirking up at you.

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