Chapter 8

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Lee Know opened the door for you to climb into the back of their black SUV.
The ride was quiet, being the shy introvert you were you didn't know what to say, especially to this man who you had been crazy about for years.

You felt your ears burning as he turned to you and said, "you look beautiful this evening... even more so than last night which I didn't even think was possible."

You replied with a timid "thank you".

"I want you to know this is not some thing I usually do, taking fans to dinner and all."

"Oh? What is it that you usually do then?" you asked jokingly.

Lee Know smiled and looked down. "Not much honestly......perform, eat and sleep. I don't take much times for myself."

"Well I'm glad you decided to tonight" you smiled up at him.

The rest of the ride you made small talk...
It consisted mostly about living in the area and him being constantly on the go. What very different lives you both lived while still sharing such a strong connection.
You felt it was easy to talk to him, the conversation flowed naturally.

Once at the restaurant you two were dropped off at the door and were seated immediately. It was a small table tucked off to the side on the balcony overlooking the beach. You could tell extra care was taken by the staff to ensure you two wouldn't be noticed easily. It's all about connections I guess and as a world famous Koop star, Stray kids had plenty of connections.
The breeze couldn't be any more perfect, neither could the view...or Lee Know.

Over dinner you noticed how he would hold such intense eye contact and listen to you intently as you spoke. He was genuinely taking it all in.
From time to time his hair would fall in front of his eyes and it would make your stomach do a somersault as he pushed it back out of his face. How could this beautiful man be interested in you? How did your fantasy turn into reality?

Lee Knows POV

She was one of the most interesting women he had ever met. She spoke about her life and the world with so much passion. He couldn't help but just stare at her in awe as she spoke, his eyes traced the curve of her jawline, her long elegant neck leading down to the swell of her large breasts. She was the definition of perfection.

Suddenly he felt sick to his stomach knowing he had to leave tomorrow. He wanted to get to know her more...he just wanted to spend more time in her presence.
He shook the thought from his head, he didn't want to ruin the evening.


After dinner you two decided to take a walk on the beach.

"I wish we didn't have to leave so soon" he said quietly.

"Me you ever get any time off?"

"Not very often but after our next concert we will have two weeks off before we have to start recording our new album."

"That's good, I'm sure you guys all need a break, you all work so hard and have definitely earned one. I can't imagine being on the road for so long and not having any time for myself."

Lee Know stopped to turn and look at you... It was just like your Instagram picture he had studied the night before, but better... He could see the remnants of the sunset in your eyes as you shyly smiled back at him.

"What?" You asked looking down as his intense stare was to much to bare.

"Nothing, I was just admiring the scenery." He teased.

Your cheeks turned crimson once again. You knew he was talking about you...

"Unfortunately Hyung Chan made it clear I needed to be back to the hotel at a decent time tonight since we have a 5 AM flight to catch..."

Your heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces..did this mean the fat was over? Did you bore him? We're you not as interesting as he thought you'd be. You suddenly became so self conscious.

"Oh...okay" you managed to say...

"Not that I wouldn't enjoy spending the entire night with you..." Lee Know said with a smirk.


As you climbed the steps up to your front door Lee Know, who was following behind, felt his pants tighten immediately. The swell of you ass in that dress was enough to make him want to rip it from your body.
He could follow you inside and he could spend the whole night fucking you against every wall and on every surface but again, there was something special about you and that didn't seem right.

You turned to him, your back to the door.
"Well I guess this is goodbye....thank you for an amazing evening." You looked up at him through your eyelashes.

Lee Know took a step closer and leaned one hand against your door beside your head.
"Fuck she smells so good..."

Your breathing became heavy in your chest and you clutched the red rose he had given you.

He leaned in.
"Definitely not goodbye, just goodnight.." he whispered, lips brushing against your ear and hot breath on your neck. You could feel the warmth of his body so close to yours. It sent chills running through you from head to toe.

Before pulling away he kissed you softly on your cheek running his fingertips down your arm to grab your hand. He stepped away slowing, still holding your gaze.

"Goodnight Lee Know"

"Goodnight Y/N"

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