Chapter 4

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Lee Knows POV


Lee Know couldn't shake the thought of the whole night. Even after the show while changing and getting ready to head back to the hotel.

He was thankful he had their manager find out her name by seat number. A sly way as to not raise any attention.

When the others heard his request during intermission their jaws dropped. Never did any of them do anything like this. Sometimes they had their managers pull someone back for a "meet and greet" but they were never interested in knowing someone's name.

"Lee Know is actually interested in some one?!" Han practically screams.

*Lee Know just glares*

"Which one is it Minho?" Felix asked genuinely.

"Front row, mid stage on the left. I think it's the girl from Starbucks.." Lee Know replied to Felix low enough trying to keep it just between them.

"No way! How do you know it's the same girl? I didn't even know you saw her."

"I did, only for a split second though." The man of few words but many thoughts said plainly.

"What do you plan on doing once you know her name?" Lix asked inquisitively.

Lee know didn't really know...

What would he do? It wasn't like he could just hunt her down himself. He had no idea what his plan was or if he even had one.


Just as they were stepping into the van to head to their hotel for the night Yoo-Joon, their manager, handed Lee Know a small slip of paper.

Sitting in his seat he stared down at it as it sat in the palm of his hand. Inside this piece of paper held the name he was so interested in knowing.
He shoved it into his pocket before any of the others could notice. He wasn't in the mood to be pestered or harassed. He was tired, hungry and had to many thoughts racing through his head.

Once at the hotel Felix asked "Do you know her name yet?"

"No, Yoo gave me the paper but I haven't opened it. I don't want these idiots making a huge deal out of it."

Felix hummed in understanding agreement.

"Want to bunk together tonight? I'm not getting stuck with Han and all of his loud annoying maybe you could help me."

Felix lifted an eyebrow, "help you?"

"I figured I'd look her up on social media. I know it's stupid and childish but I don't know what else to do."

Felix smiled his warm sunny smile and laughed. "Of course I'll help. I can find anything about anyone, it's one of my specialties."

While Felix was in the shower Lee Know pulled the paper from his pocket. He held it in his palm again as if it was the key to pandora..he just stared down at it.

Why was his heart racing just by the sheer thought of knowing your name?

Slowly he unfolds the paper and sees all that is written was "Y/N".
So simple yet his heart pounded even faster.

"It's just a fucking name. What's wrong with me." He thought to himself.

Just then Felix walked out of the bathroom. "Is that it? What is it? What's her name?!"


Felix runs to grab his phone."I'm looking her up right now!"

*Lee Know rolls his eyes*
He's not used to any type of giddy excitement. Especially over girls.

"Okay let's check instagram first, I bet she following Stray Kids." Felix hurriedly goes to followers and types in your name. "Boom, just as I expected, only one follower with that name."

Lee Know grabs his own phone and pulls up your account. He takes a deep breath as he sees the pictures on his screen. It really is her.

They spend the next hour shoulder to shoulder scrolling through your photos. It was clear you had a genuine love for nature and your family. You didn't seem to be very social but instead more of an introvert. You also had a lot of deep quotes scattered throughout your page which made Lee Know like you even more.

"She's gorgeous. I see why you had to know her name..." Felix said leaning into Lee Know.

Lee Know hummed in agreement.

He was staring at a photo of you where you were standing by the ocean. The sunset reflecting in your eyes. He felt so much depth. So much more than just cascading sea blown damp hair he could just imagine pushing to the side as he bit down on your neck...more than just the perfect curve of your hip he could imagine gripping tightly as he pulled your body against his...owning you completely in that moment.

"Oh wow your in luck, she even loves cats clearly" laughs Felix snapping Lee Know from his fantasizing.

Felix holds out his phone giggling, it was a picture of you holding your cat with the caption. -My main man-

"I think you should message her...that way she knows it's legitimately you."

Lee Know pondered for a moment. "I don't want anyone else being in my business and you know we all have access to this instagram account.

"Well just message her from mine and let her know it's you...I won't say anything and no one has access to it except me. What are the chances we just make these new personal accounts and it comes in so handy."

"What do I say?" Lee know had never been one to be very active on social media or reaching out to anyone for that matter.

"You could start with -hi-. It's usually how you start a conversation Minho" Felix said sarcastically.

"Hi?" Lee Know questioned.

"Here, let me handle this" Felix says while typing.


~Hi, I apologize for the unexpected message and if it's too much of an invasion of privacy but I have someone here with me who'd like to formally introduce themselves.~


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