Chapter 20

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It was now a new day and the Mikaelson siblings awoke to the smell of food being cookies inside the kitchen.  Esther feeling motivated decided to make breakfast as well as bake some muffins and cookies. She decided to pack some up to deliver to the Gilbert house for Raelynn to assure the girl that she's fine and when it's all over they can leave.

"Mhmmm what's that amazing smell," said Rebekah as she entered the room.

"It looks like our mother decided to make breakfast for us," said Kol as he entered after his sister.

"Well I hope it isn't poisoned," said Niklaus still not fully trusting his mother.

He couldn't understand why his siblings were cousins cozying up with their mother after everything she's done. He felt like he was seeing red every time he saw her.

"Well my children I have decided to hold a party later today in hopes of making amends and getting aquatinted with the rest of the residents of this town," informed Esther.

"I expect you all to be well dressed and be back before five in the evening. The party commences at seven. I called caterers and designers already so go along and someone please show your brother around town," said Esther as she grabbed the basket filled with treats and assorted breakfast to gift her daughter.

 I called caterers and designers already so go along and someone please show your brother around town," said Esther as she grabbed the basket filled with treats and assorted breakfast to gift her daughter

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"Where are you going with that mother?" Rebekah asked

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"Where are you going with that mother?" Rebekah asked.

Esther only smiled before leaving as everyone looked at her puzzled and Rebekah with a hint of sadness.

Meanwhile, Jeremy who had awakened before his beloved girlfriend decided to go make breakfast for the duo when he spotted Elena downstairs.

"Jeremy we need to talk," she screamed out.

"Elena I will not be inviting Caroline, Stefan, or Damon inside this house so either deal with it or move out simply," said Jeremy as he heard the door ring.

Leaving Elena he went to the door only to come face to face with his girlfriend's mother Esther Mikaelson.

"Hello Jeremy," the elder wam greeted.

"Mama Esther how are you doing," he asked as he closed the front door.

"Wel,l I'm sorting out some stuff before I reunite with my daughter. How is she by the way?" Esther asked.

"Not good she's crying over the matter and she misses you. When are you coming back," he asked.

"Hopefully soon. Oh I made this for her so please do see she gets them and eats them," she said handing the basket and box with food.

"Oh also give this invitation to Elena as I need to speak with her," said Esther.

"A ball?" Jeremy asked puzzled.

"Yes, but I need you to ensure Raelynn does not attend. It's for her good," instructed Esther as she finally left.

However, what she failed to notice were the extra pair of eyes that caught her at the Gilbert door talking to Jeremy. One of them turned sad as tears fell from them.

Jeremy bid the woman goodbye as he went back into the house. Before Elena could bombard him with more questions, he handed her the letter and went upstairs to his bedroom.

"Does she expect me to be happy and eat whatever she surprises me with when she's being a coward?" Raelynn asked as she wiped her tears.

"Well she's up for a rude awakening because I'm going to eat this food and then create a jaw-dropping dress so we both can attend the party," said Raelynn who looked at her boyfriend who had a muffin in his mouth.

"What will you do when we attend?" he asked.

"I'm going to confront her of course," said Raelynn before taking a pillow and hitting Jeremy with it.

"What's that for?" he asked shielding himself.

"You're eating all the muffins and I want some," she said with a pout.

"Here you go, let's fill that little tummy of yours," he said pulling her into his arms and unto his lap.

"I love you bear," she said giving him a peck on the lips.

"I love you more my flower," he replied returning the kiss as they ate the food.

Meanwhile, Elena had read the invitation and called her friends to meet at the Salvatore Boarding house to discuss how they'd proceed.

"What's so important you had to call us all over here?" asked Caroline as she entered the room only for Elena to show a white envelope.

"What is it?" Damon asked.

"An invitation," she answered.

"Please join the Mikaelson family this evening at 7 o'clock for dancing, cocktails, and celebration," she read

"Are they serious? The Mikaelson family?" Stefan asked dumbfounded.

"It's bad enough they're moving into town, now they want a housewarming gift," said Damon.

"There's also a note behind it," said Elena as she turned the paper over.

"Elena, I think it's time we finally meet Esther," she read.

"Where did you get this?" Bonnie asked.

"An elderly woman appeared on our doorstep with food and Jeremy talked to her before giving the envelope," she informed.

"Did you overhear anything?" Caroline asked.

"He called her momma Esther and she's Raelynn's mother," Elena informed.

"It seems she and the Mikaelsons are related," said Stefan.

"Ha see I knew she was only approaching Jeremy to get to me so she could hand me over to Klaus," said Elena.

"Well you're not going," said Damon.

"I am,"

"No, you're not."

"See I told you I was coming," said Elena as she walked with Damon and Stefan into the ballroom.

"Goodnight gentlemen and Miss Gilbert, my mother would like a word with you," he said holding out his hand and waiting for Elena to take it so he can escort her to his mother's study.

"I'll be right back," Elena said to the Salvatore brothers as she placed her hand in Finn's allowing him to escort her.

Elijah watches them in suspicion before leaving.

"Mother I brought her," said Finn as he knocked on the door.

"Thank you Finn you may go," said Esther as she allowed Elena inside to sit on the couch as she closed the door and started burning sage.

"Let me reintroduce myself I am Esther Mikaelson nice to meet you," said Esther as she sat across the doppelganger.

"Will you help me kill Klaus," Elena asked getting straight to the point.

"I don't want to just kill one, I will kill all," said Esther.

"What do you mean," Elena asked.

"I plan to kill all my children, Miss Gilbert," announced Esther.

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