Chapter 28

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"Shit, who knew dying hurt," said Jeremy who woke up in transition.


Esther used her magic to knock the vampires out before going up to the doppelganger and saying, "You will invite my family in or I can kill you and they can come in."

Elena seeing that she had no other choice reluctantly invited the Mikaelson family inside the house. The males stepped through the threshold like a mafia family as Mikael made his way to his wife who was now sitting on the sofa.

"Time for some fun," said Kol as he stood behind his father and alongside his brothers and sister.

The Scooby doo gang wondered why the Mikaelsons were at the boarding house when Jeremy walked in wielding a vervain-laced bat that was given to him by Kol who thought they would look cool with it.

"Jeremy," Elena called out hoping to get the male on their side.

"Where's my girlfriend," he asked.

No one said anything as they looked at him which angered Jeremy so he swung the bat and hit Stefan across the face as he screamed out in pain. Some of his hair got loose so the younger male used his hand to push it back as he looked at the group menacingly.

"Search the house," Mikael ordered which they hurriedly did.

"Jeremy you don't have to do this. You don't have to be a monster," said Elena as she tried to reason with her brother.

"Says the girl who is dating one, you're such a hypocrite," said Jeremy before walking off to help the Mikaelson siblings look for Raelynn. 

A few minutes afterward they all returned after not finding anything only for Jeremy to appear holding clothes in his hand. " You know I thought you two brothers were creeps for preying on seventeen and eighteen-year-olds when you're all like over a hundred years old and no offense to you Klaus," said Jeremy as he remembered that Klaus was pursuing Caroline.

"None taken," the hybrid replied causing Kol to laugh.

Jeremy then threw the clothes on the ground for everyone to see and said," Rae was wearing this today and I conveniently found it in a secret room in your house that has a bunch of her pictures in it. So which one of you kidnapped and stripped her?"

Jeremy leaned forward brandishing his weapon as he leaned forward and pointed his bat at the two brothers' faces. He then got up and hit Damon across the face before dragging him by the hair and placing him in a chair as Rebekah tied him up.

"You wanna know how I know it's you?" he asked as he looked at Damon.

"Stefan is stuck too far up my sister's ass to have the time to stalk me and my girlfriend," he answered as he hit the male once again. 

Damon continued not to talk as Jeremy grabbed a container out of his bag went to the older Salvatore and pried his mouth open before turning the container over causing the liters of liquid vervain to go down the vampire's throat instantly burning him.

"Damon," Elena cried out but the male could only scream in pain.

"Jeremy, how could you? If you continue this then you are no longer my brother," said Elena.

"As far as I'm concerned, my sister died the same night as my parents," he replied.

"You know as much as I like to see a good torture I feel we are missing someone," said Kol.

"Ahh yes, Elena where is your witch?" asked Klaus.

"I'm shocked Bonnie isn't here since she's always at Elena's beck and call," said Rebekah.

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