The hospital

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Once Mr. Dove starts to drive, Eric says "Can you please take us to us to the hospital on Main Street." 

"Okay." says Mr. Dove. 

When they arrive at the hospital, Eric says "My brother works here. He can check over Meredith." 

"What about you?" says Meredith. 

"I'll be fine." says Eric with a wince. 

"Well lets go then" says Mr. Dove. 

"Yes, sir." says Eric.

When they get to the front counter, Eric asks for Dr. Elijia. After a few minutes a tall, blond guy, with blue eyes comes running towards them.

"Eric! What happened! Are you okay!" says Dr. Elijia. 

"I'm fine, but I got into a fight. Can you please check over Meredith." says Eric with a wince of pain. 

"Of course, but then I am checking over you." says Dr. Elijia.

Eric nods his head and then Elijia leads the three of them I to a room. First he checks over Meredith and asks her some questions and he says that Meredith has a concussion. Then Meredith says "It's your turn now Eric." 

"Okay..." says Eric. 

Then Elijia does the same thing that he did to Meredith. The only thing that was different was the answer that Eric gave to one of Dr. Elijia's questions. Dr. Elijia tells Eric to take off his shirt, but Eric says that he can't. Dr. Elijia helps Eric off his shirt. Once Eric's shirt is off, everyone in the room can see the 2 giant size brushes on his sides.

"I'm ordering an x-ray, and you, my dear brother, are going to call dad." says Elijia. 

"But, I said that I was fine." says Eric. 

"Boy, do what your told. You are not fine because from the looks of it you have at least 1 broken rib, if not more. I'd say that you better listen to your brother there." says Mr. Dove.

"Fine." says Eric in a defeated voice, as he calls his dad, Mr. McClean. 

The phone rings once, then twice, then a third time, and finally Mr. McClean answers the phone. "Hello, Eric. It's 12 in the morning on a Friday. So, why aren't you in bed." says Mr. McClean. 

"Elijia ordered me to call you." says Eric. 

"Why are you at the hospital to begin with? Are you hurt?" says Mr. McClean. 

"I don't know. I feel fine. I just can't lift my right arm, because it feels like I am getting stabbed." says Eric. 

"I'm coming to the hospital right now." says Mr. McClean. 

"Okay dad." says Eric.

After Mr. McClean hangs up the phone, Dr. Elijia walks in and says "Follow me, little bro." 

"Can we wait for dad. I already told him the room number." Says Eric. 

"Okay." says Dr. Elijia.

A few minutes later Mr. McClean walks into the room. He looks at Mr. Dove. Then his eyes drift to Meredith. Then to Eric. Finally he looks at Elijia, and says "Do you mind introducing me to these two." 

"This is Meredith and this is Meredith's dad, Mr. Dove." says Eric with a grunt, as he points to each person. 

"What did I tell you Eric... I said not to lift your right arm." says Mr. Dove. 

"Yes sir." says Eric. 

"Why can't my son lift his arm?" says Mr. McClean. 

"Because he has at least one broken rib, from the look of those bruises on his right side, he might have more." says Mr. Dove. 

"Okay, now can we go take that x-ray to find out." says Elijia.

"Okay, lets go." says Eric, as he stands up, he yelps. Meredith comes running to his side, with tears in her eyes. 

"Are you okay. Oh, why am I asking. I know that the answer is no. Your hurt and it's all my fault. It's all my fault because I couldn't defend myself." sobs Meredith. Eric just bends over and kisses Meredith's forehead. 

"I chose to help you and just for the record I like you. Like a lot, okay." says Eric. 

"Okay, lets go." says Mr. McClean. 

"I like you too." says Meredith. Then she gets up on her tippy toes and kisses Eric on the lips.

About 20 minutes later, after Eric s done with his x-ray. Dr. Elijia says "Eric You have a concussion, two broken ribs, and you sprained your shoulder. Not to mention you busted open three of your knuckles. You both cannot drive for at least two weeks. No electronics for either of you. Eric you cannot lift your right arm any higher that your head, and you cannot lift over 35 pounds. I want to see you back here 1 A week." 

"Okay." says Eric and Meredith.

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