2 weeks later

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2 weeks after Senior McClean died a funeral was held and the Will was distributed. 

In the Will, Senior McClean left Eric a letter, A deck of cards, A battleship board game, 3 mini figures from the 1960's, and 40,000 dollars. As Eric touches the mini figures he starts to cry. He remembers when he was a kid and wanted to touch them. As he sees the battleship game he smiles at the memory of him playing with his grandfather as a child. Then he touches the deck of cards and remembers the first time he introduced Meredith to his family. He opens the letter and reads it.

It says 'Dear Grandson, I love you and I will always be there for you, when you need me to be there. I am leaving you money to help you with your family. I hope you spend it wisely. Don't forget to be happy. Don't forget to be nice, and please, don't let me being gone, be what breaks who you are. Those are my final wishes for you. Be good boy. I love you, Eric. Love, Davis McClean.' 

Eric folds up the letter and puts it back into the envelope. He hugs Meredith and kisses Elena's forehead. He hugs Damon and Stefan. He tells them how much he loves them and then he says that it is time to go home. They say goodbye and leave.

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