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When Meredith wakes up, she is in the hospital. She has an IV in her arm and bandages up and down her arms and on her upper back. She sees a nurse walking down the hallway and in a ruff voice, says "Hey, Nurse, do you have a minute!" 

The nurse turns and walks into the room. The nurse's bags says 'Linda'. "Is there anything I can do for you?" says Linda. 

"I need Dr. Elijia McClean, please." whispers Meredith. 

"Dr. McClean does not work in this area of the hospital." says Linda. 

"I know. I just need him. He is family. Please, please go get him." pleads Meredith in a whisper. 

"I will see what I can do." says Linda. 

"One more question... What is today." whispers Meredith. 

"Today is Wednesday and it is currently 6:35 PM." says Linda. Meredith nods her head in thanks of the nurse. 

After 15 minutes, Elijia arrives at Meredith's hospital room door. When Elijia sees Meredith, he rushes into the room. "Oh my god! Meredith, what happened? How long have you been here?" says Elijia.

"It's a long story, that I will tell everyone later." says Meredith in a ruff voice. 

"You don't have to speak loudly if you don't want to." says Elijia. 

"Thank you. Can you do a list of things for me?" whispers Meredith. 

"Anything that I can do to help, I will do." says Elijia. 

"Thank you again. First, I need you to call my dad and tell him that I am in the hospital and I need the family. Then, I need you to call Officer Rachel and tell her that I want to talk to her. I also want to see Eric and the rest of the family. Finally, can I have some food." whispers Meredith. 

"I will try." says Elijia. 

"I mean you don't have to." whispers Meredith. 

"Its fine, just give me like 20 minutes." says Elijia as he leaves. 

20 minutes later, Elijia returns with a smirk on his face and two trays in his hands. Behind Elijia was Eric and Officer Rachel. Then Mr. and Mrs. McClean, Mr. and Mrs. Dove, Senior McClean, Bonnie, Sue, and Ethan, walks into the room. 

"How did you get all of them here so fast." whispers Meredith. 

"Magic." says Elijia. 

"What happened?" says Mr. Dove and Mr. McClean. 

"I will tell you, but first, can some of you sit down." whispers Meredith.

After some discussion, Senior McClean, Officer Rachel, and Eric sit down. 

"My ex boyfriend, James, kiddnapped me. Eric, my boyfriend, got hit in the head with a frying pan, by James. James used chloroform to put me to sleep. When I woke up, I was in a room and tied to a table. James brought two of his personal friends into the room and let them rape me, James also raped me. I don't know the names of the men that he brought into the room, but I do know what they looked like. One man was tall and had brown hair, it was cut in a military way. The other man was short and had red hair, it was raggedy and messy. After they left I could not sleep. When James came back he tortured me, with a knife and candle wax. I - I don't remember anything else." whispers Meredith, with tears running down her face. 

"You did awesome. Will do everything we can to find those guys." says Officer Rachel. 

"Okay." says Meredith as Elijia hands Eric and Meredith their trays of food. 

"I did not plan for you guys to meet like this. I'm sorry that you did." whispers Meredith. 

"There is no reason for you to be sorry, My Love. If anyone should be sorry, it should be me. I did open the door after all." says Eric. 

"Now you listen here Eric, it is not your fault. Just like it is not Meredith's fault. You heard someone knock at the door and you did the rational thing, you opened the door. After that, anything could have happened. None of this was anyone's fault, except for James's. So no one needs to blame themselves" says Mr. Dove. 

"I could not have put that any better than that." says Senior McClean. 

"Thank you." says Eric.

"Oh, Mom, Dad, this is Eric's family. This is Eric, Mr. McClean, Mrs. McClean, Senior McClean, Dr. Elijia, and Ethan. Eric, this is my family, Mr. Dove, Mrs. Dove, Bonnie, and her girlfriend, Sue." whispers Meredith as she points to each person in the room.

As they all get to know each other, Officer Rachel says goodbye and leaves.

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