The kids

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Damon wakes up. He is moving. He hears a voice. It's a males voice. 

"Make her shut up already, boy!" says the males voice. 

"I'm trying." says Stefan, in a distressed voice.

"What is going on?" says Damon.

"Someone took us!" yells Elena.

"Sis, please calm down. Yelling is not going to save us." says Stefan.

"We are tied up and in a random persons van, never to be seen again. This is the perfect time to freak out."  says Elena, who is out of breath.

Damon takes in his surroundings and sees that the driver of the van and his buddy can see into the back of the van through a set of iron bars. He also sees their book bags in the corner. He can feel the pocket knife, that he found in his dad's night stand, in his pocket. He moves over to Stefan and whispers into his ear, the plan. 

Once they get Elena to listen, she gets into the corner. Then Stefan and Damon start to cut their ropes with the pocket knife. As they sit with their hands behind their backs, the driver pulls into a gas station. One of the guys get out and goes into the gas station and the other gets out and opens the side of the van.

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