The ride home

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Before Meredith leaves with her dad, she jogs over to Eric, to say goodbye.

"Hey Eric." says Meredith, when she gets over to him. 

"Yes, Meredith." says Eric. 

"This is going to sound weird but where do you live." says Meredith shyly. 

"Oh. Here, let me write it down for you." says Eric as he turns to his father to ask for a peace of paper. Before he has the chance to ask, Meredith reaches into her bag and pulls out a stack of sticky notes and a pen. 

"Here you go." says Meredith. 

"Thank you." says Eric, as he writes his address an the sticky note. Once he hands Meredith back the sticky notes, he says "Well, I guess this is goodbye for now." 

"I'll come visit you later today." says Meredith with a smile.

Then Meredith gets into her dads car and they leave.

On the car ride to Meredith's house, Mr. Dove says "Good job." 

"What?" says Meredith. 

"I said good job, because you finally found a man that is good for you." says Mr. Dove. 

"What do you mean?" says Meredith. 

"Meredith, I grew up in a military home. I went to college and became a famous writer. I did all of this against my fathers wishes. You see my father didn't care about my feelings, but I care about your feelings. I am honest with you. I told you that James was a bad guy, I told you that I didn't approve of him, but I also told you to follow your heart. I meant that." says Mr. Dove. 

"I still don't understand." says Meredith. 

"When I said good job I meant that I approved of Eric. I meant that I will except him into the family with opened arms. I ment that he is good for you." says Mr. Dove. 

"Oh I get it now. Thank you dad." says Meredith. 

"Your welcome. Now it is late and this is your stop. I love you, good night." says Mr. Dove. 

"Good night. I love you too." says Meredith.

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