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"I am sorry for making you cry, Meredith. I didn't mean to pry." says Senior McClean. 

"Oh, it is fine. I just had some built up emotions about that subject." says Meredith. 

"If you don't mind me asking. What did happen between you and your ex boyfriend?" says Mr. McClean. 

"Well, do you want the long explanation or the sugar coated answer." says Meredith. 

"If your comfortable with telling us. Then the long explanation, please." says Senior McClean. 

"Okay. Well, we met in high school, my freshman year. We started to date. He had a band. His mom, Mrs. Dean tried to warn me about his temper and my dad, Mr. Dove told me that he did not like him. In the four years that I dated James, he probably hit me about a dozen times. He also forced me to do things that I did not want to do. Then James proposed to me and I saw a way out. So, I told him no. He wouldn't let me leave his apartment. He locked me in his closet and did horrible things to me. I was in that closet for 2 weeks, before I escaped. His father, Mr. Dean tried to buy my silence, but I went to the cops anyways. They arrested James, but Mr. Dean just bailed him out. He beat me and threatened me for a couple of months after that. I ended up getting a restraining order against him. He just happened to brake that 3 days ago." says Meredith. 

"That is horrible!" says Mrs. McClean. 

"That all happened 2 years ago, and I have only told 12 people about what James did to me. That includes you guys. I worked hard to get were I am today. Even though I have my moments, I know that I have so much to look forward to in my future." says Meredith.

The rest of dinner goes great. They laugh and eat. They tell stories and talk about a family get together.

When dinner is over, Meredith is full of joy. After the table is cleared, Meredith insists on helping with the dishes.

"She can take my place in line. I got to go get something. When the dishes are done, come meet me in the living room." says Senior McClean as he leaves the kitchen. Then, Meredith is handed a hand towel and told that she is in charge of drying dishes.

Mr. McClean washes the dishes, while Mrs. McClean rinse them. Then Meredith and Eric dry the dishes and hand them to Elijia and Ethan. Then Elijia and Ethan puts away the dishes. In a matter of 25 minutes, the dishes are done! Everyone goes into the living room to find out what Senior McClean is up to.

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