O9: What do you want?

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Odell POV

My mind was fading in and out...everything was blurry and I could barely stand. I started to regret taking those pills. I don't wanna die. My family needs me.

I reached for my phone and blink a few times hoping my vision would clear for at least a few seconds..I tapped Danielle's name and put the phone on speaker.

'What Odell?!?' She answered.

'Dani...I need you..'

'Well I don't need you not do I want you! Goodbye'

No! Don't ..don't hang up...I feel...I feel li..'

'Goodbye Odell..'

She hung up on me, I stood back up from the couch and as soon as I was about to get my balance together...I fell to the floor and I felt weak...no sense in fighting anymore...I'm already gone.

The hotel maid Chrissy knocked on Odell's door and didn't hear anything..she reached in her pocket and pulled out some keys, she unlocked the door and walked inside. She realized the TV was on as well as some keys on the coffee table. Chrissy walked further through the hotel room until she reached the bedroom door, she knocked a few times and heard nothing...but when she opened the door, there was Odell Beckham passed out on the floor. She ran to his side and shook him a few times and he didn't move. A loud scream escaped through her mouth and she ran out the room leaving Odell there on the floor. Chrissy had never dealt with something like this so she was panicking as she made her way to the lobby to notify the manager as to what was going on.

When the ambulance and police officers finally arrived at the hotel they rushed up to the 4th floor where Odell's room was he was placed on the gurney. Odell was rushed to the hospital in less than five minutes after he had been found almost fifteen minutes after passing out on his hotel bedroom floor. They wheeled the gurney that had Odell on it into the hospital and was approached by doctor Zynae.

"What happened?" Dr. Zynae questioned.

"He was found passed out in his hotel room. When we arrived he was awake but going in and out of consciousness. His heartbeats were irregular and his blood pressure was extremely low!, he had a seizure on the way here ."

Dr. Zynae placed a light in Odell's eyes and tried talking to him. "Sir, I'm gonna need for you to stay with me alright, whats you're name?."

Odell's mouth was so dry he could barely even talk. They rushed Odell into a hospital room and they began to hook him up to a heart monitor and an I.V. Odell's body began to stiffen and jerk rapidly and uncontrollably.

"Doctor I think he's having another Seizure .." The nurse said.

The doctors and many other nurse began to follow through with the procedure when a patient is experiencing a seizure. All of them prayed that they could save Odell before it was too late, tonic seizures was one of the worst and Odell was suffering from it..once he was getting back to an okay state the doctors followed through with a gastric lavage to pump Odell's stomach and get rid of the pills he ingested.

Even after they pumped his stomach, Odell began to have another seizure but not as bad as the first one..after getting his pulse right and his blood pressure where it should be, they all let out a sigh of relief..Odell was gonna make it...THANK GOD


Danielle POV.

"Mommy you can't go!!" Hailey screamed and cried.

"Hailey you need to go to bed and mommy has to go to work!." I pulled her hand off of mine.

"No! Mommy please don't leave me" she cried harder.

Maybe Love Does Change ; Odell Beckham Jr. (SEQUEL TO LDC) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now