21: I Trust You.

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Danielle POV..

Kayla came by earlier today and picked up the girls, they were going to the aquarium or something. So me and Odell were alone playing NBA 2K..

"You always cheating! I swear you get on my damn nerves!" I smacked Odell upside his head.

"I'm not cheating! You just mad 'cause you lost." He laughed.

"Whatever.." I rolled my eyes and put the controller down.

"Awe you mad at me baby?" He moved closer to me.

"Yes I'm mad at you, move." I pushed him away.

"Girl you know you can't stay mad at me." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and started scrolling through my phone. He started to kiss along my jawline...oh my god, here he go again. I moved away from him a little bit but all he did was pull be back to him.

"Stop.." I laughed a little as his hand went up my shirt.

"I know I said I would wait until you ready but damn baby! A nigga gon get blue balls." He complained.

"You will be just fine." I fixed my shirt.

"Yeah whatever." He rolled his eyes..

I remember when we first got together and he got mad at me because I didn't wanna have sex with him yet...I hope that doesn't happen again, the only reason why I don't wanna have sex right now is because I feel like we moved to fast the first time we got together anyway.

"Odell, I'm hungry.." I whined.

"Me too...I was trying to eat a lil' something a few minutes ago but you wanted to stop."

I laughed and hit his arm. "Stop being nasty..you should cook something."

"Or...I could just order something." He said.

"Fine, I want dominos. You need the number?."

"I got it saved in my phone." He shrugged

I laughed and shook my head, he is such a fat ass. He pulled his phone out and started dialing the number, I smiled to myself and put my feet up on Odell.

"If the baby is mine you gon' stay with me right?" He asked.

"Why wouldn't I? It happened while we weren't together.."

"I know that but..I don't know, I just don't wanna lose you and the kids again." He sighed.

I sat up and sighed. "Look at me.." I turned his head to face me.

"I love you, I missed being with you and now I finally have you back. I wouldn't leave over something that happened when we clearly weren't together, you have nothing to worry about." He nodded his head and held my hand.

There was a knock at the door so Odell reached in his pocket and handed me money to pay the delivery person. I got up to answer the door and left the Livingroom. I opened the door and...Tianna was standing there.

"Yes?" I said.

"Umm..don't kick my ass but I went to Odell's house and there was a for sale sign out front. So I guess y'all moved in together.." She replied.

"Yeah we did..is this visit regarding the baby?"

"You know about this?" She seemed relieved.

"Yes I do and I think that if this baby is possibly his then he should be there even if he doesn't know yet...you can come in." I stepped aside so she could walk in.

Maybe Love Does Change ; Odell Beckham Jr. (SEQUEL TO LDC) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now