The truth about Kayla

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*So I figured I would do one last chapter to this! It's gonna be kinda confusing if you don't remember certain people from the series.*

It was around 2:30am...Kayla was standing on the roof top of her and Kavahra's studio apartment. She's had feelings of guilt ever since Skull paid her to do the things she did...she was around 16 at the time but she still played some part in ruining Odell and Danielle's household.

It all started one day when Kayla was walking home from school...Skull pulled up beside and gave her $40,000 CASH! If she'd open Hailey's bedroom window every night. Kayla didn't even ask why because as soon as she seen the money, it was a done deal.

The last night Kayla opened her window, was the night Hailey was kidnapped by one of Skull's people.

Ever since that day...Kayla has played a sole part in anything involving Skull.

When skull had supposedly died but he didn't and he ended up coming back. How did he know where they were 24/7?? It was all Kayla.

She started to feel guilty so she quit working with skull. That's when he hired Tianna but remember back in the chapter "WE'LL HANDLE PART I)

A lady Gwendolyn brooks came out and started telling about all this stuff about Skull and Tianna. She even knew about Kayla but didn't tell him.

"I had to tell you! It was only right. He knows you're family left New York. He just doesn't know where they went. Tell them to be careful, just in case he finds out. I gotta go. My daughter is at daycare and I gotta go get her, thank you for listening." She said before getting out the car. "One more thing....umm, Nevermind. I gotta go."

Flashback Over:

Crazy right?? but why didn't Gwendolyn just tell them about Kayla? because she didn't wanna snitch on her cousin! Kayla felt horrible about playing the Beckham Family so she hired other people to do it for her. Gwendolyn &Tianna. Kyle was Skull's cousin so he was in on everything since the beginning.

Kayla was suppose to be the one that turned on them that day in the basement but Kyle did it. the plan backfired when Tianna decided to air dirty laundry and it distracted everybody from the real plan.

Kayla looked down at the ground realizing that she was 6 stories up, made her wanna jump even more...she had already explained everything to Kavarha who let her the second she was done explaining. A of right now she was high on PCP. She was trippy as well as suicidal.

Kayla closed her eyes, mumbled the words "goodbye world" and leaned forward.


Danielle had just got home from picking the kids up from school when the mailman had walked up and handed her some mail. One of the pieces of mail was a letter from Kayla....

Odell had just got back from practice when he had checked his mail box and found a letter from Kayla sitting there.

The letter said ....

I'm sorry... I'm sorry for putting you all through heartache, fear, pain and tragedy. I caused so much shit and I'm sorry. You all did nothing to deserve this type of betrayal. You opened your home to me and you didn't even know me!!!

I caused your daughter to be kidnapped. I caused your home to be ruined and I caused your health to be ruined (Odell). I had been working with skull behind your back and i am sorry but now i must face the consequences... Goodbye.

Sincerely ,
                   Kayla 'Kay-Kay'

Let me know what you think!!!

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